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  • Pictures of sulphides and trace element concentrations from ore minerals in the El Teniente porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, Chile. Samples were picked for analysis from the Natural History Museum London’s ore collection. This data contains petrological photographs and trace element concentration of ore minerals. This data was collected as part of the TeaSe consortium NERC grant in order to determine the concentration and hosting of critical and precious metals in various types of ore deposits and barren rocks from different geological environments. This data was collected and interpreted by researchers at Cardiff University.

  • Whole rock assay data for the El Teniente, Skouries and Muratdere porphyry Cu deposits. Samples were selected for analysis from boreholes in the Muratdere Cu-Au-Mo porphyry deposit, Western Turkey; and the Skouries Cu-Au porphyry deposit, Greece; and samples from the El Teniente Cu-Mo porphyry deposit were selected from the Natural History Museum London’s ore collection. This data contains whole rock assay data performed by ALS, comprising the whole rock concentration of metals and semi-metals from the three deposits. This data was collected as part of the TeaSe consortium NERC grant in order to determine the concentration and hosting of critical and precious metals in various types of ore deposits and barren rocks from different geological environments.

  • Mineralogical and geochemical data from sulphides and other ore minerals from the Skouries porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Greece. Samples were taken from several boreholes from the Skouries mine, courtesy of Eldorado Gold Corporation. This data contains petrological photographs; identification of platinum group minerals and precious metal minerals; and trace element concentration of ore minerals. This data was collected as part of the TeaSe consortium NERC grant in order to determine the concentration and hosting of critical and precious metals in various types of ore deposits and barren rocks from different geological environments. This data was collected and interpreted by researchers at Cardiff University and is used in a paper, available at

  • High-precision CA-ID-TIMS (Chemical Abrasion Isotope Dilution Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry) Uranium-Lead geochronology of zircon, extracted from igneous plutonic and mineralised porphyry intrusions in the Rio Blanco-Los Bronces Cu Porphyry area, Chile. Eleven parent samples cover an age range of ca. 14 Ma to ca. 5 Ma. Sample Identifiers correspond to the NERC Highlight topic consortium project FAMOS (From Arc Magmas to Ores) samples from the Natural History Museum component of the project and Large et al.(2024) J. Pet, where full rock types, geo-references, petrography, and geochemistry of parent samples can be found in addition to zircon Cathodoluminesence and SEM characterization of zircon of samples, and the corresponding zircon trace element analyses (inclusive of U-Pb) by laser ablation ICPMS. This data provides insights into the crystallisation of zircon and timescales of porphyry copper deposits.

  • Petrological and geochemical data of sulphides and samples from the Muratdere Cu-Au-Mo porphyry deposit, Turkey. Samples were taken from several boreholes from the Muratdere mine in Western Turkey, courtesy of Stratex International (now Oriole Resources). This data contains petrological photographs and trace element concentration of ore minerals. This data was collected as part of the TeaSe consortium NERC grant in order to determine the concentration and hosting of critical and precious metals in various types of ore deposits and barren rocks from different geological environments. This data was collected and interpreted by researchers at Cardiff University and is used in a paper, available at

  • This spreadsheet contains 21 oxygen isotope measurements for hematite and mixed hematite/goethite samples from the supergene profiles of the Spence and Cerro Colorado porphyry copper deposits in the Central Andes. Columns are also included which contain calculated isotopic values for weathering fluids which were present at the time of iron oxide formation. These data are presented and discussed in the G-cubed paper 'A rusty record of weathering and groundwater movement in the hyperarid Central Andes' (Shaw et al., 2021). Weathering fluid isotopic values are calculated using the published fractionation factors of Clayton & Epstein (1961), Yapp (1990) and Bao & Koch (1999). The authors have the most confidence in the fluid values obtained using the fractionation factor of Yapp (1990), for reasons outlined in the publication.

  • This spreadsheet contains (U-Th-Sm)/He data for 73 hematite samples from the supergene profile of the Spence porphyry copper deposit in the Central Andes. These data are discussed in the G-cubed publication titled 'A rusty record of weathering and groundwater movement in the hyperarid Central Andes' (Shaw et al., 2021). Spence porphyry copper deposit Drill hole SPD0324, UTM WGS1984 19S, E 474975.22, N 7481100.39 Drill hole SPD 1848, UTM WGS1984 19S, E 474998.29, N 7481399.87 Drill hole SPD 0402, UTM WGS1984 19S, E 473969.87, N 7479755.01