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  • A worldwide compilation of 14,261 analyses of Nd, Sm, Rb and Sr concentrations, and Nd and Sr isotopes, in crustal rocks with a range of crystallisation ages. These data were used in Dhuime et al. (2015, Nature Geoscience 8, 552-555) to calculate the variation in the 'time integrated' Rb/Sr ratios of the new (i.e. juvenile) continental crust as a function of its Nd model age of formation.

  • This spreadsheet contains (U-Th-Sm)/He data for 73 hematite samples from the supergene profile of the Spence porphyry copper deposit in the Central Andes. These data are discussed in the G-cubed publication titled 'A rusty record of weathering and groundwater movement in the hyperarid Central Andes' (Shaw et al., 2021). Spence porphyry copper deposit Drill hole SPD0324, UTM WGS1984 19S, E 474975.22, N 7481100.39 Drill hole SPD 1848, UTM WGS1984 19S, E 474998.29, N 7481399.87 Drill hole SPD 0402, UTM WGS1984 19S, E 473969.87, N 7479755.01