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  • Elastic constants were calculated by using the stress-strain method and density functional theory for crystals of different symmetry. A toolkit was developed to facilitate the input preparation and output processing for elastic calculations using the Vienna Ab Initio Simulation Packge (VASP). The details of the calculation. methods, and the toolkit will be published elsewhere and linked to this deposit. The deposit contains example folders for the monoclinic, orthorhombic, trigonal, tetragonal, hexagonal and cubic lattices. The purpose of this deposit is to provide examples for the toolkit users.

  • These data contain time series of stress, strain, confining pressure, elastic wave velocities of samples of Vermont antigorite and Westerly granite deformed under hydrostatic and triaxial conditions at room temperature and dry conditions. This dataset is used and fully described/interpreted in the paper: David, E.C., N. Brantut, L.N. Hansen and T.M. Mitchell, Absence of stress-induced anisotropy during brittle deformation in antigorite serpentinite, submitted to J. Geophys. Res.

  • This dataset contains raw (clean but not interpreted) triaxial compressive strength data of tests conductive at elevated pressure and temperature as outlined in "Vannucchi, P., Clarke, A., de Montserrat, A., Ougier-Simonin, A., Aldega, L., & Morgan, J. P. (2022). A strength inversion origin for non-volcanic tremor. Nature Communications, 13(1), 2311.". The data is provided in a .zip folder containing the files of 5 experiments that are accompanied by a README file for introduction. Files format is Microsoft Excel Worksheet (.xlsx) and data are tabulated. Each file contains the corresponding relevant sample’s details, and each column of data is clearly labelled, units included. For each experiment, time, axial force, axial displacement, axial stress, confining displacement, confining pressure, axial strain A and B, axial average strain, circumferential extensometer, circumferential strain, volumetric strain, internal temperature, and axial delta P were recorded. Triaxial testing was undertaken using the MTS 815 servo-controlled stiff frame inside a vessel capable of a confining pressure up to 140 MPa at the Rock Mechanics and Physics Laboratory, British Geological Survey, UK. The confining cell is fitted with external heater bands and utilizing utilizes cascade control from internal and external thermocouples (accurate to ± 0.5°C). An initial axial pre-load of 2.3 kN was applied, to ensure a stable contact and alignment of the platens. The confining pressure vessel was then closed and filled with mineral oil confining fluid. The axial pre-load was maintained whilst the confining pressure was applied at 2 MPa/min to 60 or 120 MPa; these values were chosen to approximately bracket the pressures at the up-dip limit of seismic nucleation, corresponding to 2 – 4 km depth (Arroyo et al., 2014). At this point, whilst held in axial force and confining pressure control, the rig was heated at 2°C/min to 60°C to approximate the average temperature conditions at the depth of the up-dip limit of seismic nucleation (Harris and Spinelli, 2010). The samples were then left for approximately 1 hour allowing thermal equilibrium to be reached throughout the confining fluid and the samples. Once stable, axial loading was initiated in constant axial strain rate control at a rate of 5.0 x 10-6 s-1 until macroscopic failure occurred or a significant amount of post peak-stress axial strain was recorded (between 2% and 5%). We note that one test was conducted at the higher temperature of T=120°C with a result within 2.5% of the strength at T=60°C (Table 1). As this is below the expected sample-to-sample variability, no further temperature studies were conducted. The axial load, axial load actuator displacement, axial stress (s1), differential stress (Q=s1 - s3), confining pressure Pc (= s2= s3), confining pressure actuator displacement, axial strain (eax), circumferential strain (ecirc) and temperature were monitored throughout at sampling frequencies of 1s and 0.5kN. File names are: YYYY-MM-DD_LabProjectNumber_SiteName-SampleNumber

  • This dataset contains raw experimental triaxial testing data as outlined in "Castagna, A., Ougier‐Simonin, A., Benson, P. M., Browning, J., Walker, R. J., Fazio, M., & Vinciguerra, S. (2018). Thermal damage and pore pressure effects of the Brittle‐Ductile transition in Comiso limestone. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(9), 7644-7660.s,". The data is provided in a .zip folder containing the files of 16 experiments that are accompanied by a README file for introduction. Files format is Microsoft Excel Worksheet (.xlsx) and data are tabulated. Each file contains the corresponding relevant sample’s details, and each column of data is clearly labelled, units included. For each experiment, time, radial and axial pumps volume displacements and pressures, top and bottom pore fluid pumps volume displacements and pressures, internal temperature, LVDT signals were recorded. Twenty right cylindrical samples of ‘Comiso’ limestone (Ragusa Formation; Sicily) were tested in triaxial compression at a range of confining pressures simulating depths of 290 m, 620 m, 1.2 km, and 2.0 km respectively, assuming an average density of the over-burden load of 2470 kg/m3. Prior to strength test, each sample was either oven dried (ca. 12 hours at 85 °C followed by cooling in a desiccator for 1 hour) or water saturated (samples in distilled water under vacuum for 24 hours). A subset of these samples has also been thermally treated at 150, 300, 450 and 600oC to induce thermal cracking prior to the mechanical testing. All tests were conducted at 10-5 s-1 axial strain rate in assumed drained conditions when relevant, and at room temperature. For saturated tests, the initial loading was applied in two steps, first by increasing Pc hydrostatically (σ1=σ2=σ3) until the desired confining pressure was reached, and then introducing pore fluid pressure, as per the functionality of the experimental set-up. The experiments were conducted by Drs A. Castagna, M. Fazio and P. Benson using the Snachez triaxial cell at the Rock Mechanics Laboratory of the University of Portsmouth. All responsible for the collection and initial interpretation of the data. Only 17 experiments are reported in this set of data; the missing 3 datasets are believed to be only available on the local computer storage of the triaxial apparatus used at that time.

  • This dataset contains raw experimental high temperature and acoustic emission testing data on ‘Comiso’ limestone samples as outlined in "Castagna, A., Ougier-Simonin, A., Benson, P. M., Browning, J., Walker, R. J., Fazio, M., & Vinciguerra, S. (2018). Thermal damage and pore pressure effects of the Brittle-Ductile transition in Comiso limestone. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(9), 7644-7660.s,". The data is provided in a .zip folder for 2 experiments that are accompanied by a README file for introduction. Files format are Microsoft Excel Worksheet (.xlsx) and data are tabulated. Each file contains the corresponding relevant sample’s details and each column of data is clearly labelled, units included. For each experiment, local time, corrected time, temperature (in degrees Celsius), acoustic emission amplitude (in decibels) and counts were recorded. Cylindrical samples of ‘Comiso’ limestone samples (Ragusa Formation; Sicily) were heat-treated to investigate the effects of thermal stressing on the limestone’s microstructure. In all tests, a controlled heating rate of 1 °C/minute was applied, keeping the specimen at the desired maximum temperature for 30 minutes to allow complete temperature equilibration followed by natural cooling (generally less than<1 °C/minute). The experiments were conducted on the Carbolite CTF12/75/700 tube furnace of the Rock and Ice Physics Laboratory of the University College of London between the 22nd and 28th February, 2016. The experiment were conducted by Drs A. Castagna and J. Browning, both responsible for the collection and interpretation of the data.