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  • Code to compare the mass and energy balance of five Peruvian glaciers, based on outputs from the energy balance model Tethys-Chloris. Also includes code to compare the results of climate sensitivity experiments (where the air temperature and precipitation were varied). The main outputs of the analysis at each of the sites are also stored. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • Weather station data at five on-glacier stations in Peru and the ecohydrological model Tethys-Chloris. Data includes: - Hourly weather station data from Shallap Glacier, Artesonraju Glacier, Cuchillacocha Glacier, Quisoquipina Glacier and Quelccaya Ice Cap. Given as .csv files and as model input files. - The model code used to input the data and set the correct parameters for these sites. - The model code for the point version of Tethys-Chloris, an ecohydrological model which is used in this case to calculate glacier melt and mass balance. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • The dataset describes the results of high pressure experimental measurements of three contrasting 'tight' rocks; a Bowland Shale, a Haynesville shale and Pennant sandstone. The results are tabulated as a csv file, listing experimental parameters, confining pressure, argon gas pore pressure and permeability. complementary measurements of key petrophysical data are provided - bulk modulus of compressibility, porosity TOC and density.