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Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre

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  • The dataset contains measurements of CO2 efflux from streams, springs, reservoirs and ponds in the Houzhai catchment, a typical karst catchment in the karst region of SW China. Data were obtained via direct, field-based measurements during monthly campaigns conducted between January 2016 and February 2017. Also included are water chemistry parameters (water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, electronic conductivity, concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13C-DIC)) and flow velocity (determined prior to in-situ flux measurements). The data were collected under the NERC-funded project: Addressing a significant knowledge gap in fluvial system atmospheric CO2 efflux: the contribution from karst landscapes (NE/N002806/1). Full details about this dataset can be found at

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    The RAGNARoCC dataset includes surface and deep ocean measurements of greenhouse gas concentrations including carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. The dataset was collected in the North Atlantic Ocean during the RRS James Clark Ross cruise JR20140531 (JR302) which surveyed from Canada, to Greenland, to the United Kingdom via Iceland. The JR302 cruise started on 6th June 2014 and finished on 22nd July 2014. Some water samples were analysed aboard ship, whilst others were subsequently analysed ashore. The dataset is based on data and water samples collected by surface underway measurements and during CTD stations from the RRS James Clark Ross. The RAGNARoCC dataset was collected to understand the size and variability of the sources and sinks of greenhouse gases between the ocean and atmosphere in the North Atlantic Ocean. The dataset was produced by various members of the RAGNARoCC project consortium. Dr. Brian King was the cruise principal investigator for JR302. The data are made available by the British Oceanographic Data Centre, with relevant data also contributing to community research portals such as The dataset currently includes some of the data from cruise JR302, but is expected to include additional data from JR302. Additional data is also expected from the Porcupine Abyssal Plain Sustained Observatory (PAP-SO) mooring; the Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) MV Benguela Stream; data from a Bay of Biscay Ferry-box route; and the RRS Discovery cruise DY040.

  • The dataset contains CO2 efflux, hydraulic and water chemistry data from six field sites which vary in location, size and catchment characteristics. Measurements were made at: i) two sites in the UK - the River Kelvin (335 km2, semi-urban catchment) and Drumtee water (9.6 km2, peat dominated catchment); ii) four sites in the Peruvian Amazon - Main Trail (5 km2, seasonally active stream in a rainforest catchment), New Colpita stream (7 km2, perennial stream in a rainforest catchment), La Torre river (2000 km2, rainforest catchment) and Tambopata river (14 000 km2, rainforest catchment with some small scale agriculture and gold mining). CO2 efflux was measured at all sites on each sampling occasion alongside a range of other parameters to enable investigation into the controls on CO2 efflux. Parameters measured include flow velocity and water depth (from which other hydraulic parameters can be calculated), DIC concentration and pH (from which pCO2 can be calculated) and water temperature. Sampling was carried out over several years, thus capturing a range of seasons and flow conditions, and at all sites, measurement locations were chosen to ensure that a range of flow intensities were included. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset comprises the delta-13C and delta-15N stable isotopic information from two tissue samples (whole blood and mantle feathers) from 16 adults of 8 species of Southern Ocean procellariform collected at Bird Island, South Georgia during the austral summer 2001-2002. There have been numerous long-term research projects carried out at Bird Island under the auspices of the British Antarctic Survey, and this data represents one very small component that has been used to examine inter-specific competition in both the breeding and non-breeding periods. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • Data from two small streams, two rivers and rainfall fractions in the Western Amazonian basin at Tambopata National Reserve in Madre de Dios region, Peru. Data presented are nutrients (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, total soluble phosphorus and silica) and fluvial carbon - dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and its isotopic composition δ13C-DIC, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC). Samples were collected during the period from February 2011 to May 2012 targeting both wet and dry seasons. Samples for DIC samples were collected using pre-acidified evacuated Exetainers. Established standard methods were used to take samples for DOC and nutrients. Established standard methods were used to analyse samples for DIC, DOC and nutrients These methods are outlined in the lineage. The samples were taken to understand the hydrological controls on the carbon concentrations and fluxes during different flow conditions. The data collection was carried out as part of the Natural Environment Research Council funded Amazonica project. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset contains radiocarbon dating of pieces of macrocharcoal (~ ≥ 1 mm) collected from soil in Guyana, Peru and Brazil in plots located in the Amazon forest. All the sites are terra-firme, non-seasonally flooded and are part of the RAINFOR network. In total, 60 pieces of macrocharcoal were dated. The Amazon Forest Inventory Network is a long-term, international collaboration to understand the dynamics of Amazon ecosystems. Since 2000 they have developed a framework for systematic monitoring of forests from the ground-up, centred on plots that track the fate of trees and species, and includes soil and plant biogeochemical records, as well as intensive monitoring of carbon cycle processes at some sites. RAINFOR works with partners across the nations of Amazonia to support and sustain forest monitoring and help develop new generations of Amazon ecologists. The work of RAINFOR is currently supported by funding agencies in Brazil, the UK, and the EU. Full details about this dataset can be found at