Rothamsted Research North Wyke
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The data consists of the abundance of antibiotic resistant genes (ARG) in fresh cattle faeces from faecal samples taken from a cohort of 30 cattle. The cattle were from the North Wyke Farm Platform, a UK national capability, located at Rothamsted Research, North Wyke in Devon. Faecal samples were collected in November 2016. The cohort of 30 cattle were selected from 90 animals, ten from each of the three farmlets. Samples were collected from cattle as they entered housing for the winter, i.e. at weaning. Full details about this dataset can be found at
Estimates of annual volumes of manure produced by six broad farm livestock types for England and Wales at 10 km resolution, modelled with MANURES-GIS [1]. The farm livestock classes are: dairy cattle; beef cattle; pigs; sheep and other livestock; laying hens; broilers and other poultry. The quantities produced by each type are subsequently apportioned into managed and field-deposited manure. The managed manure sources are categorised as beef farmyard manure, beef slurry, dairy farmyard manure, dairy slurry, broiler litter, layer manure, pig farmyard manure, pig slurry and sheep farmyard manure. The destinations are recorded as grass, winter arable, spring arable and direct excreta when grazing. For each 10 km square, the quantity of manure going from each source to each destination is estimated. The values specify amount of excreta, in kilograms for solid manure and in litres for liquid manure. [1] ADAS (2008) The National Inventory and Map of Livestock Manure Loadings to Agricultural Land: MANURES-GIS. Final Report for Defra Project WQ0103 Full details about this dataset can be found at