Porphyry mineral deposits
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Petrological and geochemical data of sulphides and samples from the Muratdere Cu-Au-Mo porphyry deposit, Turkey. Samples were taken from several boreholes from the Muratdere mine in Western Turkey, courtesy of Stratex International (now Oriole Resources). This data contains petrological photographs and trace element concentration of ore minerals. This data was collected as part of the TeaSe consortium NERC grant in order to determine the concentration and hosting of critical and precious metals in various types of ore deposits and barren rocks from different geological environments. This data was collected and interpreted by researchers at Cardiff University and is used in a paper, available at https://doi.org/10.5382/econgeo.4638.
Petrographic, whole-rock, quartz and zircon geochemistry, zircon Lu-Hf isotopes, molybdenite Re-Os geochronology and zircon U-Pb CA-ID-TIMS data from the Yerington Batholith, Nevada, USA. This data set comprises 10 .xlsx files collected during 2017-2022, as summarised below. They are each numbered as per their place as Supplementary Data within L. C. Carter’s PhD thesis “Exsolution depth and migration pathways of mineralising fluids in porphyry deposit-forming magmatic systems” (Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter). 3.1_QEMSCAN data – QEMSCAN automated mineralogical assessment of a thin section made from drill core from the Ann Mason porphyry deposit, containing quartz unidirectional solidification textures (USTs) interlaid with aplite, hosted within an aplite dyke that cross-cuts a porphyry dyke. Analysed at Camborne School of Mines. 3.2 EPMA data – trace elements (Ti, Fe, Al) of quartz USTs, measured by EPMA spot analysis at Camborne School of Mines. 4.1 EPMA and IBA analyses – trace elements of quartz in miarolitic cavities and aplite dykes, measured by EPMA spot analysis at Camborne School of Mines and Total-IBA at UKNIBC, University of Surrey. Also includes Total-IBA map of titanium in quartz in a miarolitic cavity hosted in an aplite dyke. 4.2 QEMCAN data - QEMSCAN automated mineralogical assessment of a thin section of a mineralised miarolitic cavity hosted within an aplite dyke which cross-cuts the Luhr Hill granite. Analysed at Camborne School of Mines. 5.1 Full sample list – Full sample list for the following data sets. 5.2 Geochronology data – Zircon U-Pb CA-ID-TIMS geochronology data from across the Yerington batholith, analysed at NIGL, BGS. Molybdenite Re-Os geochronology data from the Ann Mason porphyry deposit, analysed at Durham University. 5.3 QEMCAN data - QEMSCAN automated mineralogical assessments of thin sections of a miarolitic cavities hosted within aplite dykes. Analysed at Camborne School of Mines. 5.4 Whole rock geochem data – Whole rock major (XRF) and trace element (ICP-MS) geochemistry data, analysed at University of Leicester. 5.5 Zircon LA-ICP-MS data – analysed at Natural History Museum, London 5.6 Zircon Lu-Hf isotope data – analysed at NIGL, BGS. Together, these files form the supplementary data files for L.C. Carter’s PhD thesis “Exsolution depth and migration pathways of mineralising fluids in porphyry deposit-forming magmatic systems” (Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter). Please refer to the thesis for further details. These data are previously published as Carter et al. (2021, Communications Earth & Environment), Carter and Williamson (2022, Ore Geology Reviews) and Carter et al. (2022, Scientific Reports).