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  • Global climate model runs from 1900-2100 produced by the Met Office for UK Climate Projections 2018 (UKCP18) using the HadGEM3 climate model. The data is available at daily and monthly temporal resolutions on a N216 Gaussian grid which has a 60km resolution over the UK.

  • UK-scale data from Global climate model runs for 1900-2100 produced by the Met Office for UK Climate Projections 2018 (UKCP18) using the HadGEM3 climate model. The data is available at various temporal resolutions: daily, monthly, seasonal and annual and various spatial resolutions: on a 60km OSGB grid, for major UK river catchments and each of the countries of the United Kingdom.

  • Derived climate model projections data produced as part of the UK Climate Projections 2018 (UKCP18) project. The data produced by the UK Met Office Hadley Centre provides information on changes in 21st century climate for the UK helping to inform adaptation to a changing climate. The derived climate model projections are estimated using a methodology based on time shift and other statistical approaches applied to a set of 28 projections comprising of 15 coupled simulations produced by the Met Office Hadley Centre, and 13 coupled simulations from CMIP5. The derived climate model projections exist for the RCP2.6 emissions scenario and for 2°C and 4°C global warming above pre-industrial levels.

  • European circulation indices calculated from the UKCP Global (60km) climate projections from 1900-2100 under RCP8.5 produced by the Met Office in 2018. These indices represent large scale circulation variability and they include: (i) the daily latitude and strength of the Atlantic Jet Stream; (ii) the daily ‘weather type’ (1-8 or 1-30) which is based on a classification scheme for the daily large scale synoptic situation; (iii) the average winter Atlantic pressure gradient between Iceland and Gibraltar representing the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The indices are available for each member in the set of 28 global projections, which is a combination of 15 coupled model simulations produced by the Met Office Hadley Centre, and 13 coupled simulations from CMIP5 contributed by different climate modelling centres. The indices included are either daily or monthly. Although they are based on data from the global runs on an N216 (60km) grid, these indices have a single value per timestep and have no latitude-longitude dimension.