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  • This web service shows the centroids for countries for which there are minerals statistics data (Imports, Exports, Production) in the World Mineral Statistics database. A GetFeatureInfo request can retrieve some of the data for the country queried, but to get all data you should used the associate WFS.

  • Data from the DiGMap covering the whole of the United Kingdom at a scale of 1:625 000 is available in this OGC WMS service for personal, non-commercial use only. The service is a contribution to the OneGeology-Europe initiative. The layers can be displayed either by age or by lithology. For more information about the digital maps available from the British Geological Survey, please visit

  • Data from the DiGMap covering the whole of the United Kingdom at a scale of 1:625 000 is available in this OGC WMS service for personal, non-commercial use only. The service is a contribution to the OneGeology-Europe initiative. The layers can be displayed either by age or by lithology. For more information about the digital maps available from the British Geological Survey, please visit

  • The BGS-HPA UK OneGeology Radon Potential Web map service provides access to the BGS-HPA UK OneGeology Radon Potential dataset. This service provides access to the BGS-HPA UK OneGeology Radon Potential data at scales smaller than 1:250,000.