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The UTLS-Ozone THESEO (Third European Stratospheric Experiment on Ozone) project was joint activity between the Centre of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Cambridge and the National Physical Laboratory. THESEO's overall scientific objective were to contribute to the understanding of middle latitude ozone loss by making measurements of a number of important tracers of atmospheric motion and photochemistry, and by interpreting these measurements with state-of-the-art models of atmospheric chemistry and transport. The particular aim of the proposal was to extend THESEO measurements of tracer and chemically active gases both spatially and temporally to provide more comprehensive coverage in the middle latitude low stratosphere and upper troposphere. The measurements were complement the similar EU funded measurements whose focus were primarily high and mid-latitudes in 1998/99. They were part of THESEO 2000 which was an extension of THESEO and which formed the basis of European collaboration with US SOLVE experiment which is studying Arctic ozone loss in the 1999/2000 winter. Together, these measurements provide a unique data set for the study of chemistry and transport processes at mid latitudes. They studied annual transport through the middle latitude lower stratosphere and the processes of mixing with tropical and polar air. Data were interpreted using 3D chemical transport models already developed at Cambridge. The large amount of data collected in polar middle and tropical latitudes during THESEO provided a unique opportunity for the new mid-latitude data to contribute to the understanding of middle latitude ozone decline and, in particular, to understanding the relative importance of in situ ozone loss and transport from other regions. Balloon flights were made from Esrange Kiruna station during the 1999/2000 winter, with balloon payloads incorporating the same UK and European instruments deployed during THESEO.
This is the version of the HadISDH land data. These data are provided by the Met Office Hadley Centre. This version spans 1/1/1973 to 31/12/2017. The data are monthly gridded (5 degree by 5 degree) fields. Products are available for temperature and six humidity variables: specific humidity (q), relative humidity (RH), dew point temperature (Td), wet bulb temperature (Tw), vapour pressure (e), dew point depression (DPD). Data are provided in either NetCDF or ASCII format. This version extends the version to the end of 2017 and constitutes a major update to HadISDH due to a change to using the 1981-2010 period as its climatological reference period both to make it more consistent with other monitoring products and to maximise station coverage now that it uses the larger station database of HadISD2. Users are advised to read the update document in the docs section for full details. This version now uses the 1981-2010 period as its climatological reference period both to make it more consistent with other monitoring products and to maximise station coverage now that it uses the larger station database of HadISD2. Additionally, there has been a small methodological change. Stations with large adjustments made during homogenisation are removed based on thresholds for q (>3g/kg), RH (>15%rh), T (>5degC) and Td (>5degC) rather than just T and Td. This results in 54 stations being removed as opposed to 29 last year. All other processing steps for HadISDH remain identical. The new version of HadISD2 ( has pulled through some historical changes to stations which are passed on to HadISDH. This, and the additional year of data, results in small changes to station selection. The homogeneity adjustments differ slightly due to sensitivity to the addition and loss of stations, historical changes to stations previously included and the additional 12 months of data. To keep informed about updates, news and announcements follow the HadOBS team on twitter @metofficeHadOBS. For more detailed information e.g bug fixes, routine updates and other exploratory analysis, see the HadISDH blog: References: When using the dataset in a paper you must cite the following papers (see Docs for link to the publications) and this dataset (using the "citable as" reference) : Willett, K. M., Dunn, R. J. H., Thorne, P. W., Bell, S., de Podesta, M., Parker, D. E., Jones, P. D., and Williams Jr., C. N.: HadISDH land surface multi-variable humidity and temperature record for climate monitoring, Clim. Past, 10, 1983-2006, doi:10.5194/cp-10-1983-2014, 2014. Smith, A., N. Lott, and R. Vose, 2011: The Integrated Surface Database: Recent Developments and Partnerships. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 92, 704–708, doi:10.1175/2011BAMS3015.1 We strongly recommend that you read these papers before making use of the data, more detail on the dataset can be found in an earlier publication: Willett, K. M., Williams Jr., C. N., Dunn, R. J. H., Thorne, P. W., Bell, S., de Podesta, M., Jones, P. D., and Parker D. E., 2013: HadISDH: An updated land surface specific humidity product for climate monitoring. Climate of the Past, 9, 657-677, doi:10.5194/cp-9-657-2013.
This is the version of the HadISDH land data. The data are provided by the Met Office Hadley Centre. This version spans 1/1/1973 to 31/12/2016. The data are monthly gridded (5 degree by 5 degree) and station products are available for temperature and six humidity variables: specific humidity (q), relative humidity (RH), dew point temperature (Td), wet bulb temperature (Tw), vapour pressure (e), dew point depression (DPD). Data are provided in either NetCDF or ASCII format. This version extends the version to the end of 2016 and constitutes a major update to HadISDH due to a major update of the source data HadISD. Improvements in this version include increased numbers of stations (~8000) and updated methodologies. Users are advised to read the update document in the docs section for full details. Uncertainty estimates are provided at the station and gridbox level covering station uncertainty (climatological, homogenisation and measurement uncertainty), gridbox spatial and temporal sampling uncertainty and combined station and sampling uncertainty. To keep up to date with updates, news and announcements follow the HadOBS team on twitter @metofficeHadOBS. For more detailed information e.g bug fixes, routine updates and other exploratory analysis, see the HadISDH blog: References: When using the dataset in a paper you must cite the following papers (see Docs for link to the publications) and this dataset (using the "citable as" reference) : Willett, K. M., Dunn, R. J. H., Thorne, P. W., Bell, S., de Podesta, M., Parker, D. E., Jones, P. D., and Williams Jr., C. N.: HadISDH land surface multi-variable humidity and temperature record for climate monitoring, Clim. Past, 10, 1983-2006, doi:10.5194/cp-10-1983-2014, 2014. Smith, A., N. Lott, and R. Vose, 2011: The Integrated Surface Database: Recent Developments and Partnerships. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 92, 704–708, doi:10.1175/2011BAMS3015.1 We strongly recommend that you read these papers before making use of the data, more detail on the dataset can be found in an earlier publication: Willett, K. M., Williams Jr., C. N., Dunn, R. J. H., Thorne, P. W., Bell, S., de Podesta, M., Jones, P. D., and Parker D. E., 2013: HadISDH: An updated land surface specific humidity product for climate monitoring. Climate of the Past, 9, 657-677, doi:10.5194/cp-9-657-2013.
This is the version of the HadISDH land data. The data are provided by the Met Office Hadley Centre. This version spans 1/1/1973 to 31/12/2014. Monthly gridded (5 degree by 5 degree) and station products are available for temperature and six humidity variables: specific humidity (q), relative humidity (RH), dew point temperature (Td), wet bulb temperature (Tw), vapour pressure (e), dew point depression (DPD). Data are provided in either NetCDF or ASCII format. Uncertainty estimates are provided at the station and gridbox level covering station uncertainty (climatological, homogenisation and measurement uncertainty), gridbox spatial and temporal sampling uncertainty and combined station and sampling uncertainty. To keep up to date with updates, news and announcements follow the HadOBS team on twitter @metofficeHadOBS. For more detailed information e.g bug fixes, routine updates and other exploratory analysis, see the HadISDH blog: References: When using the dataset in a paper you must cite the following papers (see Docs for link to the publications) and this dataset (using the "citable as" reference) : Willett, K. M., Dunn, R. J. H., Thorne, P. W., Bell, S., de Podesta, M., Parker, D. E., Jones, P. D., and Williams Jr., C. N.: HadISDH land surface multi-variable humidity and temperature record for climate monitoring, Clim. Past, 10, 1983-2006, doi:10.5194/cp-10-1983-2014, 2014. Smith, A., N. Lott, and R. Vose, 2011: The Integrated Surface Database: Recent Developments and Partnerships. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 92, 704–708, doi:10.1175/2011BAMS3015.1 We strongly recommend that you read these papers before making use of the data, more detail on the dataset can be found in an earlier publication: Willett, K. M., Williams Jr., C. N., Dunn, R. J. H., Thorne, P. W., Bell, S., de Podesta, M., Jones, P. D., and Parker D. E., 2013: HadISDH: An updated land surface specific humidity product for climate monitoring. Climate of the Past, 9, 657-677, doi:10.5194/cp-9-657-2013.
This is the version of the HadISDH land data. The data are provided by the Met Office Hadley Centre. This version spans 1/1/1973 to 31/12/2015. This version extends the version to the end of 2015 and includes some minor updates users are advised to read the update document in the docs section for full details. The data are monthly gridded (5 degree by 5 degree) and station products are available for temperature and six humidity variables: specific humidity (q), relative humidity (RH), dew point temperature (Td), wet bulb temperature (Tw), vapour pressure (e), dew point depression (DPD). Data are provided in either NetCDF or ASCII format. Uncertainty estimates are provided at the station and gridbox level covering station uncertainty (climatological, homogenisation and measurement uncertainty), gridbox spatial and temporal sampling uncertainty and combined station and sampling uncertainty. To keep up to date with updates, news and announcements follow the HadOBS team on twitter @metofficeHadOBS. For more detailed information e.g bug fixes, routine updates and other exploratory analysis, see the HadISDH blog: References: When using the dataset in a paper you must cite the following papers (see Docs for link to the publications) and this dataset (using the "citable as" reference) : Willett, K. M., Dunn, R. J. H., Thorne, P. W., Bell, S., de Podesta, M., Parker, D. E., Jones, P. D., and Williams Jr., C. N.: HadISDH land surface multi-variable humidity and temperature record for climate monitoring, Clim. Past, 10, 1983-2006, doi:10.5194/cp-10-1983-2014, 2014. Smith, A., N. Lott, and R. Vose, 2011: The Integrated Surface Database: Recent Developments and Partnerships. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 92, 704–708, doi:10.1175/2011BAMS3015.1 We strongly recommend that you read these papers before making use of the data, more detail on the dataset can be found in an earlier publication: Willett, K. M., Williams Jr., C. N., Dunn, R. J. H., Thorne, P. W., Bell, S., de Podesta, M., Jones, P. D., and Parker D. E., 2013: HadISDH: An updated land surface specific humidity product for climate monitoring. Climate of the Past, 9, 657-677, doi:10.5194/cp-9-657-2013.