Betty and Gordon Moore Center for Science, Conservation International
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The dataset delineates annual forest loss in the CAZ digitized from annual 15 metre resolution LANDSAT imagery. This dataset creates a baseline for possible long-term, near real-time monitoring of encroachment and illegal logging within the Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor (CAZ), Madagascar. This analysis includes a summary of suspected encroachment and illegal logging from June 2006 to December 2010 within the "protected area," which consists of zones such as priority for conservation, sustainable use, and controlled settlements. Full details about this dataset can be found at
The products capture current land use/cover for four areas of interest in Corridor Ankeniheny Zahamena (CAZ) generated based on very high resolution imagery (SPOT 6). Field-based training and validation data were used and supervised classifications created using Random Forest classifier. Full details about this dataset can be found at
Conservation and development investments in the Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor (CAZ) includes information on investment type, implementing agency, and timing and location of investments. Data were collected as part of a project funded under the Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) programme. Work package 4, 'Can Paying 4 Global Ecosystem Services values reduce poverty?' (P4GES) project Full details about this dataset can be found at
Very high resolution derived biomass estimates in the Corridor Ankeniheny-Zahamena (CAZ), Madagascar
The products represent biomass estimates for four areas of interest in the Corridor Ankeniheny Zahamena (CAZ), Madagascar, generated using very high resolution imagery and based on field-collected plot information. The study extent aims to capture the drivers of deforestation in the Corridor Ankeniheny-Zahamena (CAZ). Multiple variables were incorporated into the sampling design, including elevation, slope, bioclimate zone, length of dry season, soil type, deforestation history (by epoch and elevation), and access. Based on these criteria, four Zones of Interest (ZOIs) were identified and modified in an iterative approach involving preliminary reconnaissance work, information on access provided by partners, and initial analyses of spatial data layers. The products were generated as part of a project, 'Can Paying 4 Global Ecosystem Services reduce poverty?' (P4GES), funded by the Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) programme Full details about this dataset can be found at