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  • In situ atmospheric measurements using the SAFIRE ATR42 Core Instrument suite onboard the ATR42 - SAFIRE aircraft for the WaLiTemp- Inter-comparison of airborne and ground-based lidar measurements for the characterization of atmospheric water vapour and temperature profiles (WALITEMP) project (flight reference: as62). Data were collected over the Montpellier, France. Mediterranean Basin area.

  • In-situ airborne observations by the ATR42 - SAFIRE aircraft aircraft for WaLiTemp- Inter-comparison of airborne and ground-based lidar measurements for the characterization of atmospheric water vapour and temperature profiles (WALITEMP).

  • In situ atmospheric measurements using the SAFIRE ATR42 Core Instrument suite onboard the ATR42 - SAFIRE aircraft for the WaLiTemp- Inter-comparison of airborne and ground-based lidar measurements for the characterization of atmospheric water vapour and temperature profiles (WALITEMP) project (flight reference: as38). Data were collected over the Montpellier, France. Mediterranean Basin area.

  • In situ atmospheric measurements using the SAFIRE ATR42 Core Instrument suite onboard the ATR42 - SAFIRE aircraft for the WaLiTemp- Inter-comparison of airborne and ground-based lidar measurements for the characterization of atmospheric water vapour and temperature profiles (WALITEMP) project (flight reference: as42). Data were collected over the Montpellier, France. Mediterranean Basin area.

  • In situ atmospheric measurements using the SAFIRE ATR42 Core Instrument suite onboard the ATR42 - SAFIRE aircraft for the WaLiTemp- Inter-comparison of airborne and ground-based lidar measurements for the characterization of atmospheric water vapour and temperature profiles (WALITEMP) project (flight reference: as57). Data were collected over the Montpellier, France. Mediterranean Basin area.