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  • This data set is part of the ESA Sea Ice Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project. The dataset provides sea ice concentration for the Arctic region, derived from the SSMI satellite instrument. It consists of daily gridded SIC fields based on Passive Microwave Radiometer measurements from the SSMI instrument with a 25km grid spacing, along with the total standard error (uncertainty) and quality control flags. It has been built upon the algorithms and processing software originally developed at the EUMETSAT OSI SAF for their SIC dataset. Please note, in the sea ice concentration data set - on purpose - no weather filter has been applied to eliminate weather-induced spurious ice in the open ocean along the ice edge in order to avoid discarding regions with a real sea ice cover. Users are advised to read the product user guide and the publication by Ivanova et al. [2015] (see documentation section). A second sea ice dataset has also been produced from the AMSR-E instrument, and these should be regarded as individual datasets and not combined without further investigations about the compatibility.

  • This data set is part of the ESA Sea Ice Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project. The dataset provides sea ice concentration (SIC) for the Antarctic region, derived from the SSMI satellite instrument. It consists of daily gridded SIC fields based on Passive Microwave Radiometer measurements from the SSMI instrument with a 25km grid spacing, along with the total standard error (uncertainty) and quality control flags. It has been built upon the algorithms and processing software originally developed at the EUMETSAT OSI SAF for their SIC dataset. Please note, in the sea ice concentration data set - on purpose - no weather filter has been applied to eliminate weather-induced spurious ice in the open ocean along the ice edge in order to avoid discarding regions with a real sea ice cover. Users are advised to read the product user guide and the publication by Ivanova et al. [2015] (see documentation section). A second sea ice dataset has also been produced from the AMSR-E instrument, and these should be regarded as individual datasets and not combined without further investigations about the compatibility.

  • This data set is part of the ESA Sea Ice Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project. The dataset provides sea ice concentration for the Arctic region, derived from the AMSR-E satellite instrument. It consists of daily gridded SIC fields based on Passive Microwave Radiometer measurements from the AMSR-E instrument with a 25km grid spacing, along with the total standard error (uncertainty) and quality control flags. It has been built upon the algorithms and processing software originally developed at the EUMETSAT OSI SAF for their SIC dataset. Please note, in the sea ice concentration data set - on purpose - no weather filter has been applied to eliminate weather-induced spurious ice in the open ocean along the ice edge in order to avoid discarding regions with a real sea ice cover. Users are advised to read the product user guide and the publication by Ivanova et al. [2015] (see documentation section). A second sea ice dataset has also been produced from the SSM/I instrument, and these should be regarded as individual datasets and not combined without further investigations about the compatibility. The project team warns potential users that the AMSR-E SIC time-series is less mature than the SSM/I one, and that the former should be used with extra care, possibly after visual inspection or comparison to other data sources (such as the SSM/I time series during the overlap period).

  • This data set is part of the ESA Sea Ice Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project. The dataset provides sea ice concentration for the Antarctic region, derived from the AMSR-E satellite instrument. It consists of daily gridded SIC fields based on Passive Microwave Radiometer measurements from the AMSR-E instrument with a 25km grid spacing, along with the total standard error (uncertainty) and quality control flags. It has been built upon the algorithms and processing software originally developed at the EUMETSAT OSI SAF for their SIC dataset. Please note, in the sea ice concentration data set - on purpose - no weather filter has been applied to eliminate weather-induced spurious ice in the open ocean along the ice edge in order to avoid discarding regions with a real sea ice cover. Users are advised to read the product user guide and the publication by Ivanova et al. [2015] (see documentation section). A second sea ice dataset has also been produced from the SSM/I instrument, and these should be regarded as individual datasets and not combined without further investigations about the compatibility. The project team warns potential users that the AMSR-E SIC time-series is less mature than the SSM/I one, and that the former should be used with extra care, possibly after visual inspection or comparison to other data sources (such as the SSM/I time series during the overlap period)

  • The dataset provides a Climate Data Record of Sea Ice Concentration (SIC) for the polar regions, derived from medium resolution passive microwave satellite data from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer series (AMSR-E and AMSR-2). It is processed with an algorithm using medium resolution (19 GHz and 37 GHz) imaging channels, and has been gridded at 25km grid spacing. This version of the product is v2.1, which is an extension of the v2.0 Sea_Ice_cci data and has identical data until 2015-12-25. This product was generated in the context of the ESA Climate Change Initiative Programme (ESA CCI) by the Sea Ice CCI (Sea_Ice_cci) project. The EUMETSAT OSI SAF contributed with access and re-use of part of its processing software and facilities. A SIC CDR at 50 km grid spacing is also available.

  • The dataset provides a Climate Data Record of Sea Ice Concentration (SIC) for the polar regions, derived from medium resolution passive microwave satellite data from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer series (AMSR-E and AMSR-2). It is processed with an algorithm using coarse resolution (6 GHz and 37 GHz) imaging channels, and has been gridded at 50km grid spacing. This version of the product is v2.1, which is an extension of the version 2.0 Sea_Ice_cci dataset and has identical data until 2015-12-25. This product was generated in the context of the ESA Climate Change Initiative Programme (ESA CCI) by the Sea_Ice_CCI project. The EUMETSAT OSI SAF contributed with access and re-use of part of its processing software and facilities. A SIC CDR at 25km grid spacing is also available.