
EARTH SCIENCE > Cryosphere > Glaciers/Ice Sheets > Ice Sheets

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  • This archive is a suite of ground penetrating radar (GPR) data acquired by Project MIDAS during field campaigns on Larsen C, in 2014 and 2015. All data were acquired with a Sensors&Software pulsEKKO PRO GPR system, fitted with antennas of 200 MHz centre-frequency. The system was towed behind a snowmobile, with distances recorded with GPS. These data are part of the NERC-funded MIDAS (''Impact of surface melt and ponding on ice shelf dynamics and stability'') research project, with grant references NE/L006707/1 and NE/L005409/1. Other MIDAS data are available.

  • Metrics of dark ice extent and duration, and snowline retreat estimates, for the south-west ablation zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet, derived from MODIS satellite imagery. These metrics are provided on a ~613 m grid at annual resolution and cover the melt season, defined as June-July-August each year. All scripts used to generate the metrics are also provided, as well as the scripts which generate the plots found in the referenced publication. Funding was provided by the NERC grant NE/M021025/1.

  • The radar data collected in 2013-2014 at Dome C, East Antarctica, aims to understand bulk preferred crystal orientation fabric near a dome. We measure changes in englacial birefringence and anisotropic scattering in 21 sites along a 36 km long profile across Dome C. These optical properties are obtained by analysing radar returns for different antenna orientations. More details can be found in Ershadi et al, 2021. Funding was provided by BAS National Capability and IPEV core funding.

  • This dataset provides a map of the Antarctic grounding zone. The map is assembled using CryoSat-2 satellite radar altimetry data spanning between 2010-2017. This dataset provides both the limit of tidal flexure (point F) and hydrostatic equilibrium (point H) of the grounding zone. Funding was provided by the NERC grant NE/N011511/1.

  • Daily outputs on a 7.5 km horizontal resolution grid covering the Greenland Ice Sheet from MARv3.6.2, which is a regional climate model developed for the Polar regions that solves the regional climate and ice sheet surface mass balance. MAR was forced by ERA-Interim re-analysis data.

  • Glacial outlines of the APIS (Antarctica Peninsula Ice Sheet) for 1988, 2001, 2009. This is now incorporated into the GLIMS (Global Land Ice Measurements from Space) project.

  • Dual-frequency GPS data from a single receiver installed on the surface of Rutford Ice Stream in West Antarctica. The instrument was operated from late 2004 to early 2007. Gaps in the data set occur, through periods of power loss in the winters and during station relocations. Funding was provided by NERC Antarctic Funding Initiative (AFI) GR3/G005, NERC under the British Antarctic Survey National Capability programme, Polar Science for Planet Earth, Leverhulme Trust Fellowship (to T Murray), and RCUK Academic Fellowship (to M A King).

  • The datasets are temperature time series from strings of thermistors, each located at a discrete depth within one of six boreholes drilled to a depth of ~100 m in the northern sector of Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Supporting borehole information is presented by Ashmore and others (2017). These data are part of the NERC-funded MIDAS (''Impact of surface melt and ponding on ice shelf dynamics and stability'') research project, with grant references NE/L006707/1 and NE/L005409/1. Associated (near-surface) borehole temperature records, OPTV logs and density records are also available, as are other MIDAS datasets.

  • Radio-echo sounding data was collected using 150 MHz ice-penetrating radars with bandwidths of 15-20 MHz. This data was collected as part of the seven nation Antarctica''s Gamburtsev Province (AGAP) expedition during the International Polar Year 2007-2009, and used to acquire a detailed image of the ice sheet bed deep in the interior of East Antarctica. Airborne geophysical methods were used to understand the fundamental structure shrouded beneath Dome A. Two twin Otter aircraft - one BAS, one United States Antarctic Program (USAP) - equipped with ice-sounding radars, laser ranging systems, gravity meters and magnetomemeters, operated from camps located on either side of Dome A.

  • As part of the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration (ITGC) 4432 km of new radar depth sounding data was acquired over the Thwaites Glacier catchment by the British Antarctic Survey. Data was collected using the PASIN polametric radar system, fitted on the BAS aerogeophysical equipped survey aircraft VP-FBL. The survey operated from Lower Thwaites Glacier camp, and focused on collecting data in regions of ice >1.5 km thick between 70 and 180 km from the grounding line. Additional profiles from the coast to the Western Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) divide and over the eastern shear margin were also flown. Ice thicknesses between 418 and 3744 m were measured, with a minimum bed elevation of -2282 imaged. This dataset contains the navigation, surface elevation, ice thickness, and bed elevation data from the Thwaites Glacier 2019/20 season in the form of a CSV file. The Thwaites 2019/20 aerogeophysical survey was carried out as part of the BAS National Capability contribution to the NERC/NSF International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration (ITGC) program. Data processing was supported by the BAS Geology and Geophysics team.