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CCMVal was a large international effort to improve understanding of Chemistry-Climate Models (CCMs) and their underlying GCMs (General Circulation Models) through process-oriented evaluation, along with discussion and coordinated analysis of science results. The first round of CCMVal (CCMVal-1) evaluated only a limited set of key processes in the CCMs, focusing mainly on dynamics and transport. This dataset contains CMAM model output from the WMO 2006 REF1 experiment run by the Canadian Ensemble Forecasts (MSC), University of Toronto and York University, Canada.
CCMVal was a large international effort to improve understanding of Chemistry-Climate Models (CCMs) and their underlying GCMs (General Circulation Models) through process-oriented evaluation, along with discussion and coordinated analysis of science results. The first round of CCMVal (CCMVal-1) evaluated only a limited set of key processes in the CCMs, focusing mainly on dynamics and transport. This dataset contains CMAM model output from the WMO 2006 REF2 experiment run by the Canadian Ensemble Forecasts (MSC), University of Toronto and York University, Canada.
CCMVal was a large international effort to improve understanding of Chemistry-Climate Models (CCMs) and their underlying GCMs (General Circulation Models) through process-oriented evaluation, along with discussion and coordinated analysis of science results. The first round of CCMVal (CCMVal-1) evaluated only a limited set of key processes in the CCMs, focusing mainly on dynamics and transport. This dataset contains MRI model output from the WMO 2006 New RUNS REF1 experiment run by Meteorological Research Institute (MRI), Tsukuba, Japan MRI.
CCMVal was a large international effort to improve understanding of Chemistry-Climate Models (CCMs) and their underlying GCMs (General Circulation Models) through process-oriented evaluation, along with discussion and coordinated analysis of science results. The first round of CCMVal (CCMVal-1) evaluated only a limited set of key processes in the CCMs, focusing mainly on dynamics and transport. This dataset contains WACCM model output from the WMO 2006 REF1 experiment run by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).
CCMVal was a large international effort to improve understanding of Chemistry-Climate Models (CCMs) and their underlying GCMs (General Circulation Models) through process-oriented evaluation, along with discussion and coordinated analysis of science results. The first round of CCMVal (CCMVal-1) evaluated only a limited set of key processes in the CCMs, focusing mainly on dynamics and transport. This dataset contains ULAQ model output from the WMO 2006 REF2 experiment run by the University of L'Aquila, Italy.
CCMVal is a large international effort to improve understanding of Chemistry-Climate Models (CCMs) and their underlying GCMs (General Circulation Models) through process-oriented evaluation, along with discussion and coordinated analysis of science results. The first round of CCMVal (CCMVal-1) evaluated only a limited set of key processes in the CCMs, focusing mainly on dynamics and transport. This dataset contains MRI model output from the WMO 2006 REF1 experiment run by Meteorological Research Institute (MRI), Tsukuba, Japan.
CCMVal was a large international effort to improve understanding of Chemistry-Climate Models (CCMs) and their underlying GCMs (General Circulation Models) through process-oriented evaluation, along with discussion and coordinated analysis of science results. The first round of CCMVal (CCMVal-1) evaluated only a limited set of key processes in the CCMs, focusing mainly on dynamics and transport. This dataset contains E39/C model output from the WMO 2006 REF1 experiment run by German Aerospace Center (DLR) Oberpfaffen-hofen, Germany.
CCMVal was a large international effort to improve understanding of Chemistry-Climate Models (CCMs) and their underlying GCMs (General Circulation Models) through process-oriented evaluation, along with discussion and coordinated analysis of science results. The first round of CCMVal (CCMVal-1) evaluated only a limited set of key processes in the CCMs, focusing mainly on dynamics and transport. This dataset contains MAECHAM4CHEM model output from the WMO 2006 SCN2 experiment run by the Max Planck Institutes (MPI), Germany.
CCMVal was a large international effort to improve understanding of Chemistry-Climate Models (CCMs) and their underlying GCMs (General Circulation Models) through process-oriented evaluation, along with discussion and coordinated analysis of science results. The first round of CCMVal (CCMVal-1) evaluated only a limited set of key processes in the CCMs, focusing mainly on dynamics and transport. This dataset contains HadGEM SSTs model outputs from the WMO 2006 REF2 experiment run by the Met Office.
CCMVal was a large international effort to improve understanding of Chemistry-Climate Models (CCMs) and their underlying GCMs (General Circulation Models) through process-oriented evaluation, along with discussion and coordinated analysis of science results. The first round of CCMVal (CCMVal-1) evaluated only a limited set of key processes in the CCMs, focusing mainly on dynamics and transport. This dataset contains GEOSCCM model output from the WMO 2006 REF2 experiment run by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).