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  • The dataset indicates the potential for hazard in Great Britain as a result of mineral extraction. It excludes areas of Coal mining as these are covered by the Coal Authority. It is based on a simple A-E rating scale indicating the increasing likelihood of an underground mining hazard. The data was created using expert knowledge, detailed literature searches, local knowledge and a series of rule based geological constraints applied to the DigMapGB50k (Digital Geological Map of Great Britain) data.

  • This national dataset brings together sixteen national datasets to create a GIS product that provides the information necessary to determine the extent to which the ground is suitable for infiltration sustainable drainage systems (SuDS). It includes derivations of the following datasets: soluble rocks, landslide hazards, groundwater flooding susceptibility, made ground, shallow mining hazards, geological indicators of flooding, depth to water table, superficial thickness, compressible ground, collapsible ground, swelling clays, running sands, predominant flow mechanism, permeability indices and the Environment Agencys source protection zone dataset. All datasets have been reclassified and reattributed (with text descriptions and a score field indicating the suitability of the ground for infiltration) and feature in the end product both as single entities, but also in derived 'screening' maps that combine numerous datasets.