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Surface pressure, temperature and humidity data (PTU) were collected by a Vaisala WXT510 instrument located at the Natural Environment Research Council's (NERC) Mesosphere-Stratosphere-Troposphere (MST) Radar Facility, Capel Dewi, near Aberystwyth in West Wales. Rainfall rate data from this instrument are also available as a separate dataset within the MST Radar Facility dataset collection. The WXT-510 instrument at the site began operational recording in December 2007 and ceased in January 2015, subsequently being replaced by a Vaisala WXT-520 instrument. The WXT520 data are also available from CEDA as part of the MST Radar Facility's dataset collection. Independent surface meteorological data are also collected from a suite of instruments by a Campbell Scientific CR10 Climate Data Logger. These data are available as a separate dataset within the MST Radar Facility dataset collection.
Surface precipitation measurements from the precipitation sensor on the Vaisala WXT510 instrument deployed at the Natural Environment Research Council's (NERC) Mesosphere-Stratosphere-Troposphere (MST) Radar Facility, Capel Dewi, near Aberystwyth in West Wales. These data are available to any registered CEDA user under the UK Open Government Licence. Surface pressure, temperature and humidity data (PTU) from this instrument are also available as a separate dataset within the MST Radar Facility dataset collection. The WXT-510 instrument at the site began operational recording in December 2007 and ceased in January 2015, subsequently being replaced by a Vaisala WXT-520 instrument. The WXT520 data are also available from CEDA as part of the MST Radar Facility's dataset collection. Independent surface meteorological data are also collected from a suite of instruments by a Campbell Scientific CR10 Climate Data Logger. These data are available as a separate dataset within the MST Radar Facility dataset collection.