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  • This data includes information about nitrogen fixation, phosphatase activity, plant nitrogen and phosphorus demand and soil nitrogen and phosphorus availability of nitrogen-fixing and non-fixing trees from seven species grown in an experimental plantation at the Agua Salud Native Species Plantation, El Giral, Panama (9°12'50.15''N, 79°43'26''W). Data were collected by the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and Princeton University and were analysed by the University of Leeds. This work was funded by the following organisations: Heising-Simons Foundation, Hoch Family, ForestGEO®, HSBC, Stanley Motta, Small World Institute Fund, Smithsonian Institution's Competitive Grants for Science, Smithsonian Institution's Grand Challenges, National Science Foundation (award reference: EAR-1360391), National University of Singapore, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Yale-NUS college, Princeton University, Princeton Environmental Institute, Princeton Carbon Mitigation Initiative, University of Leeds and NERC (award reference: NE/M019497/1) Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • [This dataset is embargoed until October 1, 2024]. The Reference Observatory of Basins for INternational hydrological climate change detection (ROBIN) dataset is a global hydrological dataset containing publicly available daily flow data for 2,418 gauging stations across the globe which have natural or near-natural catchments. Metadata is also provided alongside these stations for the Full ROBIN Dataset consisting of 3,060 gauging stations. Data were quality controlled by the central ROBIN team before being added to the dataset, and two levels of data quality are applied to guide users towards appropriate the data usage. Most records have data of at least 40 years with minimal missing data with data records starting in the late 19th Century for some sites through to 2022. ROBIN represents a significant advance in global-scale, accessible streamflow data. The project was funded the UK Natural Environment Research Council Global Partnership Seedcorn Fund - NE/W004038/1 and the NC-International programme [NE/X006247/1] delivering National Capability Full details about this dataset can be found at