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  • Data extracted from numerical simulations of rotating Boussinesq convection in spherical geometry and published in Guervilly, Cardin & Schaeffer (2019, The simulations were run with Ekman numbers varying between 1e-6 and 1e-11, Rayleigh numbers between 6e7 and 5.25e13 and Prandtl numbers between 0.1 and 0.01. The data include: power spectra of the kinetic energy as a function of the azimuthal wavenumber; Rossby numbers and convective length scale; radial velocity in the equatorial plane for 4 selected simulations at varying Ekman number (Ek=1e-8 to 1e-11).

  • The data contain the results of model of a conductively cooling planetesimal with a radius of 250 km and a core radius of 125 km. Two data files are included: one for a model run which uses constant values for thermal properties (conductivity, heat capacity, and density) while the second uses temperature-dependent functions for these properties. Further details of the model in Murphy Quinlan et al., (in prep). Four arrays are included in each of the compressed data files: mantle temperature array; core temperature array; mantle cooling-rate array; core cooling-rate array. All arrays are the same size (125 by 126229) and hold data for radii values through time, with a radius-step of 1 km and time-step of 1E11 seconds over a total time period of 400 Myr.