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  • Normalised accelerator mass spectrometry data from beryllium targets prepared using different chemical processes and metal matrices. Filenames include the date the AMS experiments were started. Measurements of 10Be/9Be were made at the SUERC AMS Laboratory using the 15SDH-2 accelerator mass spectrometer with a terminal voltage of 5MV. Measurements of 10Be/9Be nuclide ratios took place between 13/01/2021 and 02/06/2023. Beryllium AMS targets were prepared using the 10Be standard material (Nishiizumi et al., 2010) which were mixed with different metals either as dry powders or as co-precipitates. Targets were loaded into a 134 MC-SNICS sputter ion source to generate negative beryllium oxide beams which were transported through a spherical electrostatic analyser and a 90° magnet before being accelerated to 5MV inside the accelerator. At the 5MV terminal of the accelerator the negative molecular beam passes through a gas stripper which results in removing 4 electrons (stripping) from the negatively charged particles. This results in the breakup of molecules and yields +3 charged atoms. These positively charged atoms are accelerated away from the 5MV terminal and pass through another 90° magnet which separates nuclides on the basis of their mass/charge. Stable 9Be is measured in an offset faraday cup immediately after the second magnet. The extremely rare 10Be was passed through another electrostatic analyser before passing through an absorber cell to eliminate isobaric interference from Boron-10 (10B). Individual 10Be atoms were counted in a gas ionisation detector. Raw AMS data was normalised to NIST SRM 4325. Each sample was measured for more than 100 minutes. The experiments were designed to determine if sample longevity and beam current intensity could be improved with different metal matrices. The rationale is to get higher count rates in the detector. Higher count rates improve the precision of the measurements. Higher precision provides opportunities to address questions related to centennial environmental changes using 10Be surface exposure dating. Dr Ana Carracedo (chemical preparation of AMS targets), Dr Derek Fabel (AMS measurements and data reductions), Dr Richard Shanks (AMS setup).