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[This nonGeographicDataset is embargoed until December 31, 2024]. This dataset contains extracted data from studies reporting the effect of temperature on animal reproduction and adult lifespan. To identify studies, we performed a systematic literature search using the online database Web of Science in August 2021 (see Dougherty et al. (2024) for details). From this search, 781 studies were screened, and 339 studies met our inclusion criteria. These studies all experimentally manipulate temperature in a laboratory setting, usually for more than five days. The studies tested 308 species in total, all of which are invertebrates, mostly from the order Insecta (77%) or Arachnida (15%). From these studies we extracted reported data for the average reproductive output and adult lifespan (plus associated variances and sample sizes) for each tested temperature treatment. Means and variances were then converted into standardised effect sizes for further meta-analysis. We used the standardised mean difference (SMD) in reproduction or adult lifespan between pairwise temperature treatments as the effect size (response variable). SMDs were calculated in a pairwise fashion in relation to a single ‘reference’ treatment. The reference treatment was assigned as: a) the treatment closest to the rearing temperature of the study population, or b) the treatment with a temperature closest to 25℃ (in the absence of a reported rearing temperature). For each effect size, we also report information relating to the focal species (e.g. taxonomic group, focal sex, habitat, fertilisation mode) and relevant methodological details (e.g. experimental temperature, exposure duration, which life stage was exposed). The dataset consists of all data needed to repeat the meta-analyses: two csv files containing extracted effect size data, and two phylogenetic trees showing the relationships between the species included in the analysis. This work was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NE/X011550/1 & NE/P002692/1), the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/W016753/1), the Australian Research Council (Future Fellowship FT220100276), the German Research Foundation (DFG, Heisenberg fellowship FR 2973/11-1), and the European Society for Evolutionary Biology. Full details about this nonGeographicDataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/59abe798-1b39-4555-b3a6-8c301a61bcaa
The World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 6 (CMIP6) data from the the EC-Earth-Consortium team EC-Earth3-Veg-LR model output for the "pre-industrial control" (piControl) experiment. These are available at the following frequencies: 3hr, 6hrPlevPt, Amon, Eday, Emon, LImon, Lmon, Oday, Ofx, Omon, SIday, SImon, day and fx. The runs included the ensemble member: r1i1p1f1. CMIP6 was a global climate model intercomparison project, coordinated by PCMDI (Program For Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison) on behalf of the WCRP and provided input for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 6th Assessment Report (AR6). The the EC-Earth-Consortium team team consisted of the following agencies: La Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET), Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC), Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC), Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (Geomar), Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC), International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL), Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht (IMAU), Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), Lund University, Met Eireann, The Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), University of Oxford, SURFsara, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), Stockholm University, Unite ASTR, University College Dublin, University of Bergen, University of Copenhagen, University of Helsinki, University of Santiago de Compostela, Uppsala University, University of Utrecht, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Wageningen University. The official CMIP6 Citation, and its associated DOI, is provided as an online resource linked to this record.
The World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 6 (CMIP6) data from the the EC-Earth-Consortium team EC-Earth3-LR model output for the "mid-Holocene" (midHolocene) experiment. These are available at the following frequencies: 3hr, Amon, Oday, Ofx, Omon, SIday, SImon, day and fx. The runs included the ensemble member: r1i1p1f1. CMIP6 was a global climate model intercomparison project, coordinated by PCMDI (Program For Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison) on behalf of the WCRP and provided input for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 6th Assessment Report (AR6). The official CMIP6 Citation, and its associated DOI, is provided as an online resource linked to this record. The the EC-Earth-Consortium team team consisted of the following agencies: La Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET), Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC), Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC), Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (Geomar), Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC), International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL), Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht (IMAU), Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), Lund University, Met Éireann, The Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), University of Oxford, SURFsara, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), Stockholm University, Unite ASTR, University College Dublin, University of Bergen, University of Copenhagen, University of Helsinki, University of Santiago de Compostela, Uppsala University, University of Utrecht, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Wageningen University.
The World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 6 (CMIP6) data from the the EC-Earth-Consortium team EC-Earth3P model output for the "coupled spinup with fixed 1950s forcings from 1950 initial conditions (with ocean at rest) to provide initial condition for control-1950 and hist-1950" (spinup-1950) experiment. These are available at the following frequencies: Amon, Emon, LImon, Lmon, Omon and SImon. The runs included the ensemble member: r1i1p2f1. CMIP6 was a global climate model intercomparison project, coordinated by PCMDI (Program For Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison) on behalf of the WCRP and provided input for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 6th Assessment Report (AR6). The the EC-Earth-Consortium team team consisted of the following agencies: La Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET), Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC), Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC), Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (Geomar), Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC), International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL), Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht (IMAU), Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), Lund University, Met Eireann, The Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), University of Oxford, SURFsara, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), Stockholm University, Unite ASTR, University College Dublin, University of Bergen, University of Copenhagen, University of Helsinki, University of Santiago de Compostela, Uppsala University, University of Utrecht, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Wageningen University. The official CMIP6 Citation, and its associated DOI, is provided as an online resource linked to this record.
The World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 6 (CMIP6) data from the the EC-Earth-Consortium team EC-Earth3-CC model output for the "1 percent per year increase in CO2" (1pctCO2) experiment. These are available at the following frequencies: Amon, Oday, Ofx, Omon and day. The runs included the ensemble member: r1i1p1f1. CMIP6 was a global climate model intercomparison project, coordinated by PCMDI (Program For Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison) on behalf of the WCRP and provided input for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 6th Assessment Report (AR6). The the EC-Earth-Consortium team team consisted of the following agencies: La Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET), Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC), Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC), Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (Geomar), Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC), International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL), Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht (IMAU), Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), Lund University, Met Eireann, The Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), University of Oxford, SURFsara, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), Stockholm University, Unite ASTR, University College Dublin, University of Bergen, University of Copenhagen, University of Helsinki, University of Santiago de Compostela, Uppsala University, University of Utrecht, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Wageningen University. The official CMIP6 Citation, and its associated DOI, is provided as an online resource linked to this record.
The World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 6 (CMIP6) data from the the EC-Earth-Consortium team EC-Earth3P model output for the "coupled historical 1950-2014" (hist-1950) experiment. These are available at the following frequencies: 3hr, 6hrPlev, 6hrPlevPt, AERmon, Amon, CFday, E3hr, Eday, Emon, LImon, Lmon, Oday, Omon, SIday, SImon and day. The runs included the ensemble members: r1i1p2f1, r2i1p2f1 and r3i1p2f1. CMIP6 was a global climate model intercomparison project, coordinated by PCMDI (Program For Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison) on behalf of the WCRP and provided input for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 6th Assessment Report (AR6). The the EC-Earth-Consortium team team consisted of the following agencies: La Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET), Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC), Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC), Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (Geomar), Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC), International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL), Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht (IMAU), Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), Lund University, Met Eireann, The Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), University of Oxford, SURFsara, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), Stockholm University, Unite ASTR, University College Dublin, University of Bergen, University of Copenhagen, University of Helsinki, University of Santiago de Compostela, Uppsala University, University of Utrecht, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Wageningen University. The official CMIP6 Citation, and its associated DOI, is provided as an online resource linked to this record.
WCRP CMIP6: the EC-Earth-Consortium team EC-Earth3P-VHR model output for the "historical" experiment
The World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 6 (CMIP6) data from the the EC-Earth-Consortium team EC-Earth3P-VHR model output for the "all-forcing simulation of the recent past" (historical) experiment. These are available at the following frequency: Amon. The runs included the ensemble member: r1i1p2f1. CMIP6 was a global climate model intercomparison project, coordinated by PCMDI (Program For Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison) on behalf of the WCRP and provided input for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 6th Assessment Report (AR6). The the EC-Earth-Consortium team team consisted of the following agencies: La Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET), Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC), Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC), Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (Geomar), Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC), International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL), Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht (IMAU), Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), Lund University, Met Eireann, The Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), University of Oxford, SURFsara, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), Stockholm University, Unite ASTR, University College Dublin, University of Bergen, University of Copenhagen, University of Helsinki, University of Santiago de Compostela, Uppsala University, University of Utrecht, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Wageningen University. The official CMIP6 Citation, and its associated DOI, is provided as an online resource linked to this record.
The World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 6 (CMIP6) data from the the EC-Earth-Consortium team EC-Earth3-Veg-LR model output for the "update of RCP2.6 based on SSP1" (ssp126) experiment. These are available at the following frequencies: Amon, Eday, Emon, LImon, Lmon, Oday, Ofx, Omon, SIday, SImon, day and fx. The runs included the ensemble member: r1i1p1f1. CMIP6 was a global climate model intercomparison project, coordinated by PCMDI (Program For Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison) on behalf of the WCRP and provided input for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 6th Assessment Report (AR6). The the EC-Earth-Consortium team team consisted of the following agencies: La Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET), Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC), Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC), Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (Geomar), Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC), International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL), Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht (IMAU), Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), Lund University, Met Eireann, The Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), University of Oxford, SURFsara, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), Stockholm University, Unite ASTR, University College Dublin, University of Bergen, University of Copenhagen, University of Helsinki, University of Santiago de Compostela, Uppsala University, University of Utrecht, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Wageningen University. The official CMIP6 Citation, and its associated DOI, is provided as an online resource linked to this record.
The World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 6 (CMIP6) data from the the EC-Earth-Consortium team EC-Earth3P model output for the "coupled control with fixed 1950's forcing (HighResMIP equivalent of pre-industrial control)" (control-1950) experiment. These are available at the following frequencies: 3hr, 6hrPlev, 6hrPlevPt, AERmon, Amon, CFday, E3hr, Eday, Emon, LImon, Lmon, Oday, Omon, SIday, SImon and day. The runs included the ensemble members: r1i1p2f1, r2i1p2f1 and r3i1p2f1. CMIP6 was a global climate model intercomparison project, coordinated by PCMDI (Program For Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison) on behalf of the WCRP and provided input for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 6th Assessment Report (AR6). The the EC-Earth-Consortium team team consisted of the following agencies: La Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET), Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC), Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC), Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (Geomar), Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC), International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL), Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht (IMAU), Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), Lund University, Met Eireann, The Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), University of Oxford, SURFsara, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), Stockholm University, Unite ASTR, University College Dublin, University of Bergen, University of Copenhagen, University of Helsinki, University of Santiago de Compostela, Uppsala University, University of Utrecht, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Wageningen University. The official CMIP6 Citation, and its associated DOI, is provided as an online resource linked to this record.
The World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 6 (CMIP6) data from the the EC-Earth-Consortium team EC-Earth3 model output for the "effective radiative forcing by present-day aerosols" (piClim-aer) experiment. These are available at the following frequencies: Amon and day. The runs included the ensemble member: r1i1p1f1. CMIP6 was a global climate model intercomparison project, coordinated by PCMDI (Program For Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison) on behalf of the WCRP and provided input for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 6th Assessment Report (AR6). The the EC-Earth-Consortium team team consisted of the following agencies: La Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET), Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC), Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC), Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (Geomar), Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC), International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL), Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht (IMAU), Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), Lund University, Met Eireann, The Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), University of Oxford, SURFsara, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), Stockholm University, Unite ASTR, University College Dublin, University of Bergen, University of Copenhagen, University of Helsinki, University of Santiago de Compostela, Uppsala University, University of Utrecht, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Wageningen University. The official CMIP6 Citation, and its associated DOI, is provided as an online resource linked to this record.