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  • [This dataset is embargoed until November 1, 2024]. These data contain bank strength measurements in a 100 km reach of the Solimões River from Sep/Oct 2022 recorded with a shear vane and a cohesion strength meter. In addition, processed satellite (Landsat) imagery from 1984-2021 was used to calculate erosional and depositional area in three 50-120 km long reaches in the Solimoes River presented here as shape-files. Processed Corona imagery 1967 for a 120 km long reach in the Solimoes River shows the banklines and bar outlines. A spreadsheet provides erosional and depositional area at 20-km sections along the 1,600km of the Solimoes River that were based on measuring floodplain width from a digital elevation model (FABDEM). We also attach a GeoTIFF file of the multibeam echo sounder (MBES) data collected during the field campaign in a 20-km long reach in the Solimoes River Full details about this dataset can be found at