Talisman Sinopec Energy (UK) Ltd
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Update frequencies
An oil and gas industry geophysical rig site survey acquired between February and March 2007. The block numbers traversed were 13/26 and 13/27.
An oil and gas industry route site survey acquired in January 2002. The block number traversed was 14/20.
An oil and gas industry site survey for seabed infrastructure acquired in April 2007 in Norwegian Sectors 1, 2 and 7.
An oil and gas industry debris clearance, jack up rig, environmental site survey acquired under licence P019 between August and September 2016. The block numbers traversed were 22/17n / 22/18n.
An oil and gas industry geophysical site survey acquired in March 2006. The block number traversed was 14/20.
An oil and gas industry geophysical rig site survey acquired in April 2007. The block number traversed was 30/16.
An oil and gas industry site survey for debris clearance acquired in April 2014. The block numbers traversed were 22/22d, 22/22a, 22/23d.
An oil and gas industry site survey for a platform acquired under licence P116 in June 2011. The block number traversed was 30/16n.
An oil and gas industry debris clearance, environmental site survey acquired under licence P291 in September 2016. The block number traversed was 22/22a.
An oil and gas industry drilling hazard, jack-up rig, foundation assessment and semi-sub rig anchoring conditions site survey acquired under licence P19 in October 2022. The block numbers traversed were 22/17, 22/18.