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This geophysical and sampling survey took place in December 1974 off Aberdeen, Forties area and Firth of Forth aboard the MV Whitethorn. The purpose was to collected data as a continuation of a previous Pockmark study. The cruise was organized by the Continental Shelf Unit II of the Institute of Geological Sciences (now British Geological Survey) representative from British Petroleum, the institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Bath University and the Engineering and Marine Geophysics units of IGS (BGS) took part. Bad weather hampered the planned survey work, during this time routine IGS work or equipment testing was carried our near the lea shore. Sea floor data were collected using and echosounder and sidescan sonar. Subsurface data were collected using a Pinger. Sample data were collected using gravity corer, shipek grab and vibrocorer. The survey objectives were hampered by bad weather. These data are archived by BGS. Technical details of the cruise are contained in BGS report WB/75/3C. BGS Geotechnical report WN/EG/76/12.
This marine sampling survey 2014/5_MINIMOUND Belgica 2014/16, took place from 13/6/2014 to 23/6/2014 in the Bay of Biscay aboard Research Vessel Belgica. The survey was carried out by the British Geological Survey (BGS), Ghent University and Plymouth University as part of the FWO MINIMOUND project. Seabed samples were collected using British Geological Survey 6m vibrocorer. This archive contains acquisition data as supplied. This is a collaborative survey with Ghent University, Plymouth University and British Geological Survey as part of FWO MINIMOUND project. The aim of the survey was assessment of environmental drivers and anthropogenic impact using cold-water coral mini-mounds as analogue for giant mound growth. The cores will be archived by University of Ghent. Technical details of the survey are contained in RV Belgica Cruise 2014/16 report.
This marine geophysical and sampling survey took place from 14 to 27 July 2015 in the area of Hatton-Rockall Basin on board the MRV Scotia. The survey was carried out as a joint venture between partners of the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology in Scotland (MASTS), included (British Geological Survey (BGS), University of Aberdeen, Scottish Association for Marine Science, Marine Scotland Science and National Museum of Wales). The aim of the survey was cold seep habitat detection. Seabed samples were collected using a Gravity corer, van veen grab, megacorer, trawls. The geology component of the data is archived at the British Geological Survey (BGS) MEDIN Data Archive Centre (DAC) for Geology and Geophysics. Biological data are archived at DASSH. Technical details of the survey are contained in the Report of Survey.
This marine sampling survey 2015/3_MINIMOUND Belgica 2015/15, took place from 29/5/2015 to 7/6/2015 in the Bay of Biscay aboard Research Vessel Belgica. The survey was carried out by the British Geological Survey (BGS), Ghent University and Plymouth University as part of the FWO MINIMOUND project. Seabed samples were collected using British Geological Survey 6m vibrocorer. This archive contains acquisition data as supplied. This is a collaborative survey with Ghent University, Plymouth University and British Geological Survey as part of FWO MINIMOUND project. The aim of the survey was assessment of environmental drivers and anthropogenic impact using cold-water coral mini-mounds as analogue for giant mound growth. The cores will be archived by University of Ghent. Technical details of the survey are contained in RV Belgica Cruise 2015/15 report.