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  • This dataset represents model output from 4 simulations of Store Glacier produced using the Elmer/Ice glacier model equipped with novel 3D calving subroutines. As described in the paper associated with this dataset (Todd et al., JGR, 2018), the model is initialised with velocity observations and then forced with present day environmental forcing. The simulation covers a 5 year time period with no fixed dates. Funding was provided by the NERC grant NE/K500884/1.

  • Ground penetrating radar (GPR) data were acquired at a site on Antarctica''s Larsen C Ice Shelf, in November 2017. The acquisition was performed to measure radar anisotropy, a potential proxy for the stress condition in the upper ice shelf, following the calving of Iceberg A68 in July 2017. Two GPR common midpoint (CMP) gathers were acquired at Site S2, a site previously surveyed during the NERC funded NE/E013414/1 SOLIS project. These gathers were acquired first with GPR antennas extended in the flow-parallel direction (~ east), and then in the flow-orthogonal direction. The GPR system is a Sensors & Software pulseEKKO PRO, with 200 MHZ antennas. All acquisitions were performed by Dr Jim White (British Geological Survey) and Emma Pearce (University of Leeds, School of Earth and Environment), with support from BAS. The data is part of the NERC RACE project, NE/R012334/1.

  • This dataset contains the annual ice front position shapefiles of the Thwaites Glacier Ice Tongue between 2000 and 2018 as shown in the Miles et al. (2020) paper. Each shapefile was mapped manually from MODIS imagery in the March of each year. The dataset details the retreat of the ice tongue and transition from a tabular calving regime to a disintegration type calving. This work was funded by NERC grant NE/R000824/1.

  • Seismic refraction data were acquired at two sites on Antarctica''s Larsen C Ice Shelf, in November 2017. The acquisition was performed to measure seismic anisotropy, a proxy for the stress condition, in the ice shelf following the calving of Iceberg A68 in July 2017. 2D seismic profiles were acquired at two sites: S1, close to the new calving front of the ice shelf, and S2, advected downstream from the site surveyed in the NERC funded project NE/E013414/1 (SOLIS). Profiles were rotated about a common midpoint to examine the variation in seismic properties with azimuth. Throughout, 24 geophones were deployed at 10 m offset, with data recorded at a Geometrics GEODE system; data are presented here in SEG-2 format. All acquisitions were performed by Dr Jim White (British Geological Survey) and Emma Pearce (University of Leeds, School of Earth and Environment), with support from BAS. The data is part of the NERC RACE project, NE/R012334/1.

  • GPS data recorded from three sites close to the 2023 site of Halley VI Research Station. Data from site LL20 spans 2013 to 2017; Data from site ZZ6A spans 2017 to 2023; Data from site ZMET spans 2022 to 2023. The data are presented as RINEX observation files. The data were collected as part of the Lifetime-of-Halley monitoring programme. This work was funded by NERC grant NE/X014991/1 (RIFT-TIP) and supported by NERC Antarctic Logistics and Infrastructure.