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Nematode species were extracted from two species of bryophyte (Cephaloziella varians and Sanionia uncinata) in a vegetated gully on Rothera Point, Adelaide Island. Nematode species were extracted from 10 fixed plots: five control plots, and five warmed plots (covered with open top chambers for the duration of the experiment). Sampling occurred over eight days between 2007 and 2010. The total number of nematodes in each sample, along with the numbers of males, females and juveniles of each species, were recorded and expressed per gram dry weight of bryophyte colony. The numbers of gravid females of Plectus belgicae, along with the total number of eggs in gravid females, were also recorded at four of the samplings.
In 1991 a nitrogen x phosphorus fertilisation experiment on dwarf shrub tundra close to Ny-Alesund, Svalbard was established. Treatments (0, 10, 50 kg N ha-1 yr-1; 0, 5 kg P ha-1 yr-1) were applied to Cassiope heath for 3 years and Dryas heath for 8 years. In 2011 the experiment was revisited to investigate the persistence of effects of fertilisation on species composition, vegetation nutrient status and ecosystem carbon stocks. The whole experiment has been led by Dr Sarah Woodin and colleagues, University of Aberdeen. The 2011 study, for which data are provided, was undertaken by Dr Lorna Street. Funded was provided by the NERC grant NE/I016899/1