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  • This low-resolution image has been produced from BGS land and marine gravity data. The colour was generated using the BGS COLMAP software package. Colour levels are defined by histogram equalisation. Combining this image with the grey shaded relief image produces a similar image to the colour shaded relief image. The measured gravity values have been corrected in order to show the anomalies attributable to variations in crustal density. In broad terms the blues are attributable to large volumes of low density rocks, the reds to high density rocks. Significant lows occur, for instance, over areas of thick, low density sedimentary rocks(e.g. Cheshire Basin, Wessex Basin), or large granites (eg Cornwall). For marine data, free-air anomalies have been calculated from observed gravity values along marine survey lines. Line intersection errors between crossing lines and overlapping surveys have been used using network adjustment techniques. Free air anomalies have been calculated for sea-bottom stations. For land data, bouguer anomalies have been calculated from gravity observations at points of known height. In order to minimise the effect of topography, Bouguer corrections for the British Mainland have been applied using a density estimated for each station. Elsewhere a correction density of 2.67 Mg/m3 has been used. Corrections for the gravitational effect of terrain have been made where significant, and in a general extent to a radius of 48.6km. The data have been interpolated onto a 1km x 1km grid using a variable tension technique, and smoothed.