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  • We present a new bathymetric compilation of the greater South Georgia region, here defined by a bounding box of ~900km (45W to 19W) by ~580km (63S to 50S) and covering an area of 530,000 km2. The region includes the South Georgia shelf, the Shag Rock shelf (to the west of South Georgia), the surrounding continental slopes and adjacent deep sea. This bathymetry grid was compiled from a variety of different data sources including multibeam swath bathymetry collected from scientific cruises undertaken by British Antarctic Survey (BAS), Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) and the Institute of Geophysics, University of Texas. The grid has been constructed using a layered hierarchy dependent on accuracy of each dataset. The data is available as a 100m resolution GeoTIFF, ESRI ascii grid or KMZ file of elevation data along with a shapefile indicating the spatial coverage of all the contributing datasets. This work was supported by the National Environmental Research Council (grant number NE/L002531/1). For further information regarding the creation of this dataset please refer to doi:10.1038/srep33163.

  • We present a new gridded bathymetric compilation around Tristan da Cunha here defined by the following bounding box: 5 to 16.8W, 33 to 43.5S. This bathymetry grid was compiled from a variety of multibeam swath bathymetry data acquired during 7 different cruises (see lineage). The data is available as a grid of 0.001 degrees resolution in three different formats: NetCDF, ArcView ASCII and GeoTIFF formats using geographic coordinates on the WGS84 datum. This grid is an output of the UK FCDO ''Blue Belt'' program and the following Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) BAS-ODA fundings: NE/R000107/1 and NE/T012439/1.

  • A bathymetric and topographic compilation of the South Sandwich Islands Volcanic Arc (55.1 S - 61.9 S, 24 W - 32 W) constructed in 2014, comprising multiple data sources (see lineage). The data are available as a 200m resolution GeoTIFF grid of elevation data. The bathymetric compilation was constructed in ArcGIS 10.0 using a hierarchical system of data priority, gridded using the Topogrid function and cleaned using both manual and semi-automated methods. This was then merged with terrestrial elevations constructed from cleaned raw ASTER GDEM grids supplemented by coastlines and form-lines taken from archival sketch-maps to produce a full hypsometric elevation model. The dataset was compiled as part of the Geological Long Term Mapping and Survey component of the British Antarctic Survey and forms the basis of a map within the BAS GEOMAP 2 series (see references).