

22 record(s)
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  • The Brownson Deep area of the Puerto Rico Trench was surveyed with a Kongsberg EM 124 gondola-mounted to the hull of the 225-foot DSSV Pressure Drop. The survey was conducted over the course of two days – December 18-19, 2018. The data meet the requirements for IHO Special Order standards.

  • The Tonga Trench was surveyed with a Kongsberg EM 124 gondola-mounted to the hull of the 225-foot DSSV Pressure Drop. The survey was conducted over the course of two weeks – May 29 – June 6, 2019. The data meet the requirements for IHO Special Order standards.

  • Multibeam bathymetric Echosounder (MBES) and Sparker seismic acquired August 2019. NSFGEO-NERC Grant: Tsunamis from large volume eruptions

  • The Mariana Trench was surveyed with a Kongsberg EM 124 gondola-mounted to the hull of the 225-foot DSSV Pressure Drop. The survey was conducted over the course of two weeks – April 19th – May 6th, 2019. The data meet the requirements for IHO Special Order standards.

  • The Java Trench was surveyed with a Kongsberg EM 124 gondola-mounted to the hull of the 225-foot DSSV Pressure Drop. The survey was conducted over the course of two weeks – March 26th – April 9th, 2019. The data meet the requirements for IHO Special Order standards.

  • The South Sandwich Trench was surveyed with a Kongsberg EM 124 gondola-mounted to the hull of the 225-foot DSSV Pressure Drop. The survey was conducted over the course of seven days – February 2-9, 2019. The data meet the requirements for IHO Special Order standards.

  • The Molloy Hole was surveyed with a Kongsberg EM 124 gondola-mounted to the hull of the 225-foot DSSV Pressure Drop. The survey was conducted over the course of three days – August 24-26, 2019. The data meet the requirements for IHO Order 1 standards.

  • The Dordrecht Deep, the deepest section of the Diamantina Fracture Zone (Indian Ocean), was surveyed with a Kongsberg EM 124 gondola-mounted to the hull of the 225-foot DSSV Pressure Drop. The survey was conducted over the course of three days – March 12-15, 2019. The data meet the requirements for IHO Special Order standards.

  • We present three new gridded bathymetric compilations of Sheldon Cove, Borgen Bay and Marian Cove. These bathymetry grids were compiled from EM122 multibeam swath bathymetry data acquired during three different cruises (RRS James Clark Ross JR17001, JR18003 and JR19002 cruises also known as NERC- ICEBERGS cruises) from 2017 to 2020. The data is available as grids of 5 m resolution in NetCDF and GeoTIFF formats using geographic coordinates on the WGS84 datum. This grid was compiled as part of the ICEBERGS (Impacts of deglaciation on bentic marine ecosystems in Antarctica) project. Funding was provided by the NERC grant NE/P003087/1.

  • Single Channel seismic data, Sound source - 8kJ Sparker; Recorder - EG&G 8 element marine hydrophone (streamer), stored in jpeg and SEGY files. Multibeam bathymetric data recorded by Teledyne Reson T20-P Multibeam echosounder (MBES) 200 - 400kHz. Positioning system using Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) Trimble SPS 461 with OmniSTAR signal correction and computer-based navigation/data acquisition system with Qinsy Acquisition software. Hunt, J.E., Tappin, D.R., Watt, S.F.L., Susilohadi, S., Novellino, A., Ebmeier, S.K., Cassidy, M., Engwell, S.L., Grilli, S.T., Hanif, M., Priyanto, W.S., Clare, M.A., Abdurrachman, M., Udrekh, U., 2021. Submarine landslide megablocks show half of Anak Krakatau island failed on December 22nd, 2018. Nature Communications 12, 2827.