
EARTH SCIENCE > Cryosphere > Glaciers/Ice Sheets > Glacier Thickness/Ice Sheet Thickness

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  • The output of a 40-year coupled ice-ocean run of Smith Glacier, the adjoining Dotson and Crosson ice shelves, and the nearby continental shelf, with ocean boundary conditions forced with a climatology downscaled from a regional model of the Amundsen Sea. Funding was provided by the NERC Standard Grant NE/M003590/1 - Is ice loss from West Antarctica driven by ocean forcing or ice and ocean feedbacks?

  • The dataset lists information about boreholes drilled by hot water into Khumbu Glacier, Nepal. Boreholes were drilled in May 2017 and May 2018 to investigate the internal properties of Khumbu Glacier, specifically ice thickness, temperature, deformation and structure, as part of the NERC-funded ''EverDrill'' research project. The information provided includes each borehole''s ID, length, location (at the time of drilling), elevation and instrumentation. Funding was provided by the NERC grant NE/P00265X/1 and NE/P002021/1.

  • The survey collected a total of 11,500 km of data along 22 lines, spaced 12 km apart and oriented perpendicular to the strike of both the Bouguer anomaly field, as derived from land data (McGibbon and Smith, 1991), and the major sub-ice topographical features (Doake et al., 1983). The speed of the aircraft was set to produce a sample spacing of about 60 m and the data were collected at heights between 1600 and 2000 m above sea level. The gravity signal was recorded using a LaCoste and Romberg air/sea gravimeter, S-83, which has been kindly loaned to BAS by the Hydrographic Office of the Royal Navy. The meter was modified by the ZLS company for use in an aircraft. The equipment was deployed in a BAS De-Havilland Twin Otter aircraft. Differential, dual frequency, carrier phase, GPS measurements of the aircraft''s motion were made using Trimble and Ashtech geodetic receivers and antennas. Ice thickness data were obtained using a BAS-built, radio echo sounding system (Corr and Popple, 1994). Ice-bottom returns over most of the survey area were obtained at a sample spacing of approximately 28 m. GPS measurements were tied into base stations in International Terrain Reference Frame network (Dietrich et al., 1998) and gravity measurements to base stations in the IGSN71 net (Jones and Ferris, 1999). We present here the processed bed elevation picks from airborne radar depth sounding collected using the BAS PASIN radar system. Data are provided as XYZ ASCII line data.

  • The dataset lists information about the instrumentation of boreholes drilled into Khumbu Glacier, Nepal. Boreholes were drilled in May 2017 and May 2018 to investigate the internal properties of Khumbu Glacier, specifically ice thickness, temperature, deformation and structure, as part of the NERC-funded ''EverDrill'' research project. The information provided includes each borehole''s ID, length, location, elevation and instrumentation, including the type and depth of each sensor. Funding was provided by the NERC grant NE/P00265X/1 and NE/P002021/1.

  • The data set was produced for the work detailed in ''The response of ice sheets to climate variability'' by K Snow et al (2017, Geophys Research Letters). A coupled ice sheet-ocean model is configured in an idealised setting with an inland-deepening bedrock, forced by far-field hydrographic profiles representative of the Amundsen Sea continental shelf. Similar to observed variability, the thermocline depth in the far-field is moved up and down on various times scales as detailed in the publication, with periods ranging from 2 to ~50 years. Bedrock elevation is provided, and annual melt rate and ice thickness (or sub-annual for short time scales) is provided as well for each forcing period. In addition, similar experiments were carried out with an ice-only model with parameterised forcing. These outputs are provided too.

  • Model output from a series of idealised ice shelf-ocean simulations, demonstrating a new synchronously coupled modelling method as well as the response of ice shelf buttressing to melt under various temperature forcings.

  • During the austral summer of 2004/05 a collaborative US/UK field campaign undertook a systematic geophysical survey of the entire Amundsen Sea embayment using comparable airborne survey systems mounted in Twin Otter aircraft. Here we present the portion of the survey covering the Pine Island Glacier basin led by British Antarctic Survey. Operating from a temporary field camp (PNE, S 77deg34'' W 095deg56''); we collected ~35,000 km of airborne survey data. Our aircraft was equipped with dual-frequency carrier-phase GPS for navigation, radar altimeter for surface mapping, wing-tip magnetometers, gravity meter, and a new ice-sounding radar system (PASIN). We present here the bed elevation picks from airborne radar depth sounding collected using the BAS PASIN radar depth sounding system. Data are provided as XYZ ASCII line data.

  • Three separate airborne radar surveys were flown during the austral summer of 2016/17 over the Filchner Ice Shelf and Halley Ice Shelf (West Antarctica), and over the outlet glacier flows of the English Coast (western Palmer Land, Antarctic Peninsula) during the Filchner Ice Shelf System (FISS) project. This project was a NERC-funded (grant reference number: NE/L013770/1) collaborative initiative between the British Antarctic Survey, the National Oceanography Centre, the Met Office Hadley Centre, University College London, the University of Exeter, Oxford University, and the Alfred Wenger Institute to investigate how the Filchner Ice Shelf might respond to a warmer world, and what the impact of sea-level rise could be by the middle of this century. The 2016/17 aerogeophysics surveys acquired a total of ~26,000 line km of aerogeophysical data. The FISS survey consisted of 17 survey flights totalling ~16,000 km of radar data over the Support Force, Recovery, Slessor, and Bailey ice streams of the Filchner Ice Shelf. The Halley Ice Shelf survey consisted of ~4,600 km spread over 5 flights and covering the area around the BAS Halley 6 station and the Brunt Ice Shelf. The English Coast survey consisted of ~5,000 km spread over 7 flights departing from the Sky Blu basecamp and linking several outlet glacier flows and the grounding line of the western Palmer Land, including the ENVISAT, CRYOSAT, GRACE, Landsat, Sentinel, ERS, Hall, Nikitin and Lidke ice streams. Our Twin Otter aircraft was equipped with dual-frequency carrier-phase GPS for navigation, radar altimeter for surface mapping, wing-tip magnetometers, an iMAR strapdown gravity system, and a new ice-sounding radar system (PASIN-2). We present here the full radar dataset consisting of the deep-sounding chirp and shallow-sounding pulse-acquired data in their processed form, as well as the navigational information of each trace, the surface and bed elevation picks, ice thickness, and calculated absolute surface and bed elevations. This dataset comes primarily in the form of NetCDF and georeferenced SEGY files. To interactively engage with this newly-published dataset, we also created segmented quicklook PDF files of the radar data.

  • Glacial outlines of the APIS (Antarctica Peninsula Ice Sheet) for 1988, 2001, 2009. This is now incorporated into the GLIMS (Global Land Ice Measurements from Space) project.

  • This is a collection of all vintage BAS radar data that went into BEDMAP 1 (Lythe and Vaughan, 2001) that have not been released so far as line data. BEDMAP data descries the thickness of the Antarctic ice sheet. They have been collected on surveys undertaken over the past 50 years and brought together into a single database. These data have allowed the compilation of a suite of seamless digital topographic models for the Antarctic continent and surrounding ocean. Data are provided as XYZ ASCII line data.