
EARTH SCIENCE > Cryosphere > Glaciers/Ice Sheets > Glacier Elevation/Ice Sheet Elevation

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  • A digital elevation model of the bed of Rutford Ice Stream, Antarctica, derived from radio-echo sounding data. The data cover an 18 x 40 km area immediately upstream of the grounding line of the ice stream. This area is of particular interest because repeated seismic surveys have shown that rapid erosion and deposition of subglacial sediments has taken place. The bed topography shows a range of different subglacial landforms including mega-scale glacial lineations, drumlins and hummocks. This dataset will form a baseline survey which, when compared to future surveys, should reveal how active subglacial landscapes change over time. The dataset comprises observed ice thickness data, an interpolated bed elevation grid, observed surface elevation data and a surface elevation grid.

  • A time series of the mean surface elevation along a transect across Kangerdlugssuaq Glacier from Feb 2012 to May 2018. Funding: Data were processed under NERC project CALISMO NE/P011365/1. Data were acquired under NERC project NE/I007148/1. Data were supplied by DLR.

  • Three separate airborne radar surveys were flown during the austral summer of 2016/17 over the Filchner Ice Shelf and Halley Ice Shelf (West Antarctica), and over the outlet glacier flows of the English Coast (western Palmer Land, Antarctic Peninsula) during the Filchner Ice Shelf System (FISS) project. This project was a NERC-funded (grant reference number: NE/L013770/1) collaborative initiative between the British Antarctic Survey, the National Oceanography Centre, the Met Office Hadley Centre, University College London, the University of Exeter, Oxford University, and the Alfred Wenger Institute to investigate how the Filchner Ice Shelf might respond to a warmer world, and what the impact of sea-level rise could be by the middle of this century. The 2016/17 aerogeophysics surveys acquired a total of ~26,000 line km of aerogeophysical data. The FISS survey consisted of 17 survey flights totalling ~16,000 km of radar data over the Support Force, Recovery, Slessor, and Bailey ice streams of the Filchner Ice Shelf. The Halley Ice Shelf survey consisted of ~4,600 km spread over 5 flights and covering the area around the BAS Halley 6 station and the Brunt Ice Shelf. The English Coast survey consisted of ~5,000 km spread over 7 flights departing from the Sky Blu basecamp and linking several outlet glacier flows and the grounding line of the western Palmer Land, including the ENVISAT, CRYOSAT, GRACE, Landsat, Sentinel, ERS, Hall, Nikitin and Lidke ice streams. Our Twin Otter aircraft was equipped with dual-frequency carrier-phase GPS for navigation, radar altimeter for surface mapping, wing-tip magnetometers, an iMAR strapdown gravity system, and a new ice-sounding radar system (PASIN-2). We present here the full radar dataset consisting of the deep-sounding chirp and shallow-sounding pulse-acquired data in their processed form, as well as the navigational information of each trace, the surface and bed elevation picks, ice thickness, and calculated absolute surface and bed elevations. This dataset comes primarily in the form of NetCDF and georeferenced SEGY files. To interactively engage with this newly-published dataset, we also created segmented quicklook PDF files of the radar data.

  • Point data measurements of ice surface, ice base and lake bed elevation are given from Subglacial Lake Ellsworth (SLE), West Antarctica. The data were acquired during the austral summer of 2007-2008. Five seismic reflection lines were acquired over SLE, with surface elevation determined by dual frequency GPS. Funding was provided by NERC AFI, award numbers NE/D009200/1, NE/D008638/1 and NE/D008751/1. Logistics support: British Antarctic Survey. Equipment support: NERC Geophysical Equipment Facility (loan numbers 838 and 870).

  • The Antarctic mass trends have been collated from a combination of different remote sensing datasets. These are trends of yearly elevation changes over Antarctica for the period 2003-2013 due to the different geophysical processes driving changes in Antarctica: ice dynamics, surface mass balance and glacio-isostatic adjustment (GIA). Net trends can be easily calculated by adding together surface and ice dynamics trends. 20 km gridded datasets have been produced for each process, per year (except the GIA solution which is time-invariant). To convert elevation to mass trends, we also provide the density fields for surface (SMB) and GIA processes used in Martin-Espanol et al (2016). These can be directly multiplied by the dh/dt. To convert dh/dt from ice dynamics, simply multiply by the density of ice. Mass smb = dh/dt smb * d surf Mass ice = dh/dt ice * d ice (not provided) Mass gia = dh/dt gia * d rock NERC grant: NE/I027401/1

  • An airborne radar survey was flown as part of the GRADES-IMAGE project funded by BAS over the Antarctic Peninsula, Ellsworth Mountains and Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf (also including the Evans Ice stream and Carson Inlet) mainly to image englacial layers and bedrock topography during the 2006/07 field season. Operating from temporary field camps at Sky Blu, Partiot Hills and out of RABID depot (Rutford Ice Stream), we collected ~27,550 km of airborne radio-echo sounding data over 100 hours of surveying. Our aircraft was equipped with dual-frequency carrier-phase GPS for navigation, radar altimeter for surface mapping, wing-tip magnetometers, and an ice-sounding radar system (PASIN). Note that there was no gravimetric element to this survey. We present here the full radar dataset consisting of the deep-sounding chirp and shallow-sounding pulse-acquired data in their processed form, as well as the navigational information of each trace, the surface and bed elevation picks, ice thickness, and calculated absolute surface and bed elevations. This dataset comes primarily in the form of NetCDF and georeferenced SEGY files. To interactively engage with this newly-published dataset, we also created segmented quicklook PDF files of the radar data.

  • This dataset consists of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) of the surface elevation of Thwaites Glacier. The region covered includes the floating area of the fast-flowing main trunk of Thwaites Glacier, sometimes referred to as Thwaites West Ice Tongue. The DEMs are derived from TanDEM-X SAR data. There are 172 individual scenes that reveal the geometric evolution of this area between 2011 and 2022. This work was supported by the NERC project CALISMO NE/P011365/1.

  • An airborne radar survey was flown as part of the BBAS science programme funded by the British Antarctic Survey over the Pine Island Glacier system during the austral summer of 2004/05. This survey was a collaborative US/UK field campaign which undertook a systematic geophysical survey of the entire Amundsen Sea embayment using comparable airborne survey systems mounted in Twin Otter aircraft. Operating from a temporary field camp (PNE, S 77deg34'' W 095deg56''), we collected ~35,000 km of airborne survey data. Our aircraft was equipped with dual-frequency carrier-phase GPS for navigation, radar altimeter for surface mapping, wing-tip magnetometers, gravity meter, and the first version of a new ice-sounding radar system (PASIN) used for the first time to support this survey. We present here the full radar dataset consisting of the deep-sounding chirp and shallow-sounding pulse-acquired data in their processed form, as well as the navigational information of each trace, the surface and bed elevation picks, ice thickness, and calculated absolute surface and bed elevations. This dataset comes primarily in the form of NetCDF and georeferenced SEGY files. To interactively engage with this newly-published dataset, we also created segmented quicklook PDF files of the radar data.

  • A British Antarctic Survey Twin Otter and survey team acquired 8,300 line-km of aerogeophysics data during the Austral summer of 1998/99. Gravity and radio-echo data were acquired simultaneously with the magnetic data at a compromise constant barometric height of 2,200 m, which provides a terrain clearance of 100 m over the highest peaks. Two separate surveys were conducted; one at 5 km line spacing (tie lines at 20 km) over and stretching beyond the southern extent of the Forrestal range (main survey), and one at 2 km line spacing (tie lines at 8 km) covering the Dufek Massif (detailed survey). Ashtech Z12 dual frequency GPS receivers were used for survey navigation. Pseudorange data were supplied to a Picodas PNAV navigation interface computer, which was used to guide the pilot along the pre-planned survey lines. The actual flight path was recovered, using carrier-phase, continuous, kinematic GPS processing techniques. All pseudorange navigation data were recorded at 1 Hz on a Picodas PDAS 1000, PC-based data acquisition system. We present here the processed bed elevation picks from airborne radar depth sounding collected using the "BAS-built" radar system (Corr and Popple, 1994; Fremand, Bodart et al., 2022), which used a 4 us linear frequency modulated pulse in addition to a standard short 0.25 us pulse Data are provided as XYZ ASCII line data.

  • During the 2014/2015 season six temporary GNSS stations were deployed on rocky outcrops west of the former Larsen B ice shelf by the University of Leeds and BAS, in the region of the Flask and Leppard Glaciers. This was carried out as part of the NERC funded UKANET project. This is an area we have targeted with a space-based technique called radar interferometry (InSAR), which can provide dense measurements of uplift rates, and the temporary GNSS network were deployed to better understand the contribution of atmospheric noise to the InSAR results. Four were taken out in the same season, while the other two were pulled in the 2015/2016 season. Funding was provided by NERC grant NE/L006065/1.