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  • This dataset contains major element, trace element and isotopic analyses for samples collected during the NERC project "Orogenic Plateau Magmatism" (NE/H021620/1) (2011-2014). Samples are late Cenozoic volcanic rocks erupted across centres of the Iranian or Armenian sectors of the Turkish-Iranian Plateau, during the ongoing Arabia-Eurasia continental collision. Results have been published in the following papers: Allen, M.B., Kheirkhah, M., Neill, I., Emami, M.H. & McLeod, C.L. (2013) Generation of arc and within-plate chemical signatures in collision zone magmatism: Quaternary lavas from Kurdistan Province, Iran. Journal of Petrology, 54,887-911. Kheirkhah, K., Neill, I., Allen, M.B. & Ajdari, K. (2013) Small-volume melts of lithospheric mantle during continental collision: late Cenozoic lavas of Mahabad, NW Iran. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 74, 37-49. Kheirkhah, K., Neill, I. & Allen, M.B. (2015) Petrogenesis of OIB-like basaltic volcanic rocks in a continental collision zone: Late Cenozoic magmatism of Eastern Iran. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 106, 19-33. Neill, I., Meliksetian, K., Allen, M.B., Navasardyan, G. & Kuiper, K. (2015) Petrogenesis of mafic collision zone magmatism: The Armenian sector of the Turkish-Iranian Plateau. Chemical Geology, 403, 24-41. Neill, I., Meliksetian, K., Allen, M.B., Navarsardyan, G. & Karapetyan, S. (2013) Pliocene-Quaternary volcanic rocks of NW Armenia: magmatism and lithospheric dynamics within an active orogenic plateau. Lithos, 180-181, 200-215.