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  • MultiMOVE is an R package that contains fitted niche models for almost 1500 plant species in Great Britain. This package allows the user to access these models, which have been fitted using multiple statistical techniques, to make predictions of species occurrence from specified environmental data. It also allows plotting of relationships between species' occurrence and individual covariates so the user can see what effect each environmental variable has on the specific species in question. The package is built under R 3.1.2 and depends on R packages 'leaps', 'earth', 'fields', 'mgcv', 'stringr', 'gsubfn', 'randomForest' and 'nnet'. Full details about this application can be found at

  • [THIS APPLICATION HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. MultiMOVE is an R package that contains fitted niche models for almost 1500 plant species in Great Britain. This package allows the user to access these models, which have been fitted using multiple statistical techniques, to make predictions of species occurrence from specified environmental data. It also allows plotting of relationships between species' occurrence and individual covariates so the user can see what effect each environmental variable has on the specific species in question. The package is built under R 2.10.1 and depends on R packages 'leaps', 'earth', 'fields' and 'mgcv'. Full details about this application can be found at