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    The dataset comprises 25 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, from across the Norwegian Sea area specifically the Svinoy NW and Grimsoy NW standard sections, from April to June of 2000. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Institute of Marine Research, Norway as part of the Monitoring the Atlantic Inflow toward the Arctic (MAIA) project.

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    The dataset comprises 20 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, from across the Barents Sea area specifically the Fugloeya-Bjoernoey standard section, during September and October of 2000. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Institute of Marine Research, Norway as part of the Monitoring the Atlantic Inflow toward the Arctic (MAIA) project.

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    The dataset comprises 20 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, from across the Barents Sea area specifically the Fugloeya-Bjoernoeya standard section, during September and October 2001. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Institute of Marine Research, Norway as part of the Monitoring the Atlantic Inflow toward the Arctic (MAIA) project.

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    The dataset comprises 16 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, from across the Greenland Sea, Norwegian Sea area specifically at the Norwegian Sea, Lofoten Basin, Svinoey NW (standard section) during October and November 2001. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Institute of Marine Research, Norway as part of the Monitoring the Atlantic Inflow toward the Arctic (MAIA) project.

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    The dataset comprises 16 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, from across the Norwegian Sea area specifically at the Svinoy standard section during the months of November and December 2000. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Institute of Marine Research, Norway as part of the Monitoring the Atlantic Inflow toward the Arctic (MAIA) project.

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    The dataset comprises 50 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, from across the Barents Sea, the Greenland Sea and the Norwegian Sea areas specifically the Fugloeya-Bjoernoeya and the Gimsoey NW standard sections. The data were collected during May and June of 2000. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Institute of Marine Research, Norway as part of the Monitoring the Atlantic Inflow toward the Arctic (MAIA) project.

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    The dataset comprises 17 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, from across the Barents Sea and the Norwegian Sea areas specifically the Svinoy NW standard section, during May 2001. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Institute of Marine Research, Norway as part of the Monitoring the Atlantic Inflow toward the Arctic (MAIA) project.

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    The dataset comprises 21 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, from across the Barents Sea area specifically the Fugloeya-Bjoernoey section, during August and September 2000. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Institute of Marine Research, Norway as part of the Monitoring the Atlantic Inflow toward the Arctic (MAIA) project.

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    The dataset comprises 50 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, from across the Greenland Sea and the Norwegian Sea areas specifically the Fugloeya-Bjoernoey & Gimsoy NW standard sections, during May and June 2001. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Institute of Marine Research, Norway as part of the Monitoring the Atlantic Inflow toward the Arctic (MAIA) project.

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    The dataset comprises 45 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, from across the Barents Sea and Norwegian Sea areas specifically at the following sections: Svinoey NW, Gimsoey NW, Fugloeya-Bjoernoeya, Vardoe N. Data were collected during January 2001. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Institute of Marine Research, Norway as part of the Monitoring the Atlantic Inflow toward the Arctic (MAIA) project.