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The data comprise soil moisture profile measurements taken at depths of 10cm, 25cm, 50cm and 110cm close to trees in a valley in a tropical forest, Sirsi Karnataka, Western Ghats, India, between January 2020 and January 2022. The data provide a measure of tree soil water stress when analysed with related data e.g. hydraulics, photosystem II temperature resilience, photosynthesis characteristics and leaf traits. The overall purpose of the measurements was to determine the eco-physiological limits of functioning of tropical trees in Western Ghats India and to relate them to continuously measured temperature and water status of tropical forest trees at a representative forest fragment site (Sirsi). Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/5a20234c-08b8-48c3-80da-3def9ba44626
This dataset includes tree eco-physiological traits characterising ranges of functioning of various components of trees. Specifically the dataset includes measurements of thermal limits of functioning of photosystem II, hydraulic safety margin, turgor loss point, CO2 assimilation versus temperature curves, leaf morphological traits for nine representative species measured during two seasons: post-monsoon and summer. The overall purpose of the measurements from this project is to determine eco-physiological limits of functioning of tropical trees in Western Ghats India and to relate them to continuously measured temperature and water status of tropical forest trees at a representative site (Sirsi). Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/d057f4e4-c2c7-4cea-a5de-1562f970a533
This dataset includes time-series of pre-dawn and mid-day leaf water potentials for 10 tree species. The time-series covers one year with leaf water potentials measured every three months. These data when combined with hydraulic conductance vulnerability curves (also measured during this project) are an indicator of a tree's safe operating space under dry and high vapour pressure deficit conditions. The overall purpose of the measurements made by this project is to determine eco-physiological limits of functioning of tropical trees in Western Ghats India and to relate them to continuously measured temperature and water status of tropical forest trees at a representative forest site (Sirsi). Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/252b6a14-8a0e-4a6f-a879-99dff46fec71
The growth data contribute to determine the diversity of growth strategies of trees in the region as well as growth responses to varying climate. The climate data accompany other datastreams including continuously recorded leaf temperatures (using thermistors and thermal imaging), soil moisture, low time resolution growth and a wide range of hydraulic, thermal and photosynthesis traits for a representative set of species of the region. Tropical forest high resolution growth data measured as part of an effort to understand sensitivity of Western Ghats tropical forest trees to high temperatures and dry conditions. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/4fd3350b-f64c-4b7f-b129-4210f14a7e94