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  • This dataset contains isotopic sampling of methane taken on board the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) twin-otter aircraft during a flight campaign over the Llanos de Moxos wetland near Trinidad, Bolivia in 2019 and supporting model simulations for the Methane Observations and Yearly Assessments (MOYA) project. Air samples were collected in tedlar bags during flights over the region and subsequently analysed at the Greenhouse Gas Laboratory, Royal Holloway University (RHUL). These are supported with data from a nested GEOS-Chem model simulation at 0.25° x 0.3125° which was used to map the relationship between emissions and aircraft measurements in a regional domain bounded by 24 - 0 °S and 75 – 55 °W. In addition, a footprint of the air source was simulated for each minute of aircraft sampling to capture using the Met Office NAME model at of 0.14° × 0.09° and temporal resolution of 3 hourly.

  • The Met Office's Numerical Atmospheric-dispersion Modelling Environment (NAME) was used at the University of Leicester to produce atmospheric dispersion footprints centred on Beijing for use by the projects under the Atmospheric Pollution & Human Health in a Chinese Megacity (APHH) programme. These footprints are created by model runs in which thousands of particles are released from the chosen location and are tracked backwards in time.

  • The composition of the air present over the Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory (WAO), situated on the north Norfolk coast, depends on its origins. Plots showing the footprints of 10 day back trajectories arriving at WAO have been calculated using the UK Met Office's NAME Lagrangian atmospheric dispersion model.