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  • This dataset contains lidar radial velocity and backscatter data for vertical stare mode from the NCAS AMF Halo Doppler lidar mounted on a motion stabilised platform on board the Swedish Icebreaker Oden during the joint Arctic Climate Across Scales (ACAS) and Microbiology-Ocean-Cloud Coupling in the High Arctic (MOCCHA) projects. Both projects are part of the Arctic Ocean 2018 (AO2018) expedition to the High Arctic. AO2018 took place in the Arctic from 1 August until 21 September 2018. These measurements were used to complement a suite of other observations taken during the expedition. Those of the UK contribution, as well as selected other data, are available within the associated data collection in the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) archives. Other cruise data may be available in the Bolin Centre for Climate Research MOCCHA/AO2018 holdings. Data were corrected for ship motion. The raw data and detailed instrument information can be obtained from the AMF archive at CEDA. The UK participation of MOCCHA was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC, grant: NE/R009686/1) and involved instrumentation from the Atmospheric Measurement Facility (AMF) of the UK's National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS AMF).

  • This dataset contains composite lidar wind profile data from the NCAS AMF Halo Doppler lidar mounted on a motion stabilised platform on board the Swedish Icebreaker Oden during the joint Arctic Climate Across Scales (ACAS) and Microbiology-Ocean-Cloud Coupling in the High Arctic (MOCCHA) projects - both part of the Arctic Ocean 2018 (AO2018) expedition to the High Arctic. AO2018 took place in the Arctic from 1 August until 21 September 2018. These measurements were used to complement a suite of other observations taken during the expedition. Those of the UK contribution, as well as selected other data, are available within the associated data collection in the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) archives. Other cruise data may be available in the Bolin Centre for Climate Research MOCCHA/AO2018 holdings. Wind profiles are derived from a motion stabilised HALO Photonics Doppler lidar using 6-beam Velocity-Azimuth-Display (VAD) scans at two fixed elevations, 30° and 75°. Data are available only where the backscatter signal to noise ratio is better than -16dB, lidar internal QC checks and quality criteria for the VAD algorithm are all passed. Each profile is derived from 6 2-second dwell beams. Wind profiles were measured every 15 minutes, with 2 consecutive scans at 30 and 75°, 30 sec apart. The consecutive scans were merged into one wind profile with a vertical resolution of 10 m using a normalised weighted mean function. Documentation & validation of the motion stabilisation and derived winds can be found in: Achtert P, Brooks IM, Brooks BJ, Moat BI, Prytherch J, Persson POG, Tjernström M (2015) Measurement of wind profiles by motion-stabilised ship-borne Doppler lidar, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 8, 4993-5007. doi: 10.5194/amt-8-4993-2015" ; The UK participation of MOCCHA was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC, grant: NE/R009686/1) and involved instrumentation from the Atmospheric Measurement Facility of the UK's National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS AMF).