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  • Soil moisture measurements taken at various sites on Signy Island during the 2008-2009 field season. These measurements were used as part of an investigation to understand the effect of temperature and moisture on the availability of different nitrogen forms.

  • Soil temperature was monitored at 5 soil sampling times and ambient air temperature was monitored at each site throughout the field season. The sampling sites were: Bare soil at higher elevations, namely Observation Bluff, Factory Bluffs, Jane Col and lower parts of Spindrift Col; Soils from below mosses on the Backslope and on Moss Braes. Soils from below higher plant species at Bernsten Point, Factory Bluffs, Moss Braes and North Point. Orthinogenic soils from around penguin colonies at Gourlay Peninsula, Spindrift Rocks and North Point and disturbed soil from around Signy Base.

  • To identify and quantify soil N species over a full growth season, small volumes of soil were removed from each sampling site 5 times during the field season and extracted in the laboratory. Bare soil at higher elevations, namely Observation Bluff, Factory Bluffs, Jane Col and lower parts of Spindrift Col; Soils from below mosses on the Backslope and on Moss Braes. Soils from below higher plant species at Bernsten Point, Factory Bluffs, Moss Braes and North Point. Orthinogenic soils from around penguin colonies at Gourlay Peninsula, Spindrift Rocks and North Point and disturbed soil from around Signy Base were collected. At the same time, soil pore water was extracted using Rhizon soil water samplers. DON (Dissolved organic Nitrogen) and Microbial biomass measurements were made by standard CHCl3 fumigation-extraction techniques. Turnover of DON in the soil was determined by the addition of 14C-labelled plant protein (purified from 14C-labelled algal cells) or 14C-labelled glucose to the soil at a range of concentrations, and their turnover (soil label depletion in combination with NH4 +, NO3-and 14CO2 production) was determined. Gross rates of N mineralization and nitrification were determined using 15N isotope dilution methodology. Laboratory analysis of N speciation and quantification, 14C uptake and respiration, 13C PLFA signatures and 15N analysis was done. Amino acid turnover times have been determined using 14C labelled amino acids. For the final stage of the project a mathematical model to describe plant-soil-microbial N fluxes in Antarctic soils was constructed.

  • To identify and quantify soil N species over a full growth season, small volumes of soil were removed from each sampling site 5 times during the field season and extracted in the laboratory. Bare soil at higher elevations, namely Observation Bluff, Factory Bluffs, Jane Col and lower parts of Spindrift Col; Soils from below mosses on the Backslope and on Moss Braes. Soils from below higher plant species at Bernsten Point, Factory Bluffs, Moss Braes and North Point. Orthinogenic soils from around penguin colonies at Gourlay peninsula, Spindrift rocks and North Point and disturbed soil from around Signy Base were collected.

  • Automatic data loggers are often used to monitor environmental variables such as temperature (of air and soil), humidity, wind speed and radiation in microclimates where experimental or ecological studies are being carried out. Some loggers are only in operation for a few weeks or months while others have been run for several years. Loggers have been sited in a wide variety of locations from the sub-Antarctic (South Georgia), South Orkney Islands (Signy) various Peninsula sites (as far south as Alexander Island - 70S), and some continental localities (e.g. Victoria Land). These form an important data resource to the climate conditions experienced by Antarctic terrestrial organisms. Various types of logger are used. Sensors tend to be deployed at or near ground level and in and around particular types of vegetation, or other experimental sites, such as cloches. Loggers used include Grant, Delta-T, Campbell and Squirrels. Victoria Land data for Kay Island and Edmonson Point in 1995 and 1996 was collected under the BIOTEX 1 experiment of the SCAR BIOTAS (Biological Investigations of Terrestrial Antarctic Systems) Programme. An overview of BIOTEX is available as a PDF file.