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  • Due to the constant thermal environment and lower carbonate saturation state of the Southern Ocean, Antarctic marine ectotherms are expected to be amongst the most sensitive to the combined stressors of warming and ocean acidification (OA).To investigate their long term acclimation capacity, adult Antarctic sea urchins, Sterechinus neumayeri, were incubated for 40 months under four treatments: 1) T cur - 0.3 deg C (present day) and pH 7.8 (moderate acidification) 2) pH cur 1.7 deg C (predicted temperature) and pH 8.1 (current pH) 3) pH-0.3 1.9 deg C and pH 7.8 4) pH-0.5 2.2 deg C and pH7.5 (high acidification) The energy budget (energy absorbed, energy lost through respiration and as nitrogenous waste) and growth parameters (scope for growth, mass of somatic and gonad tissues and the CHN content of gonad) were measured through the duration of two 21 day feeding and food processing cycles.Energy budgets were fully acclimated to OA treatments but there was only partial acclimation to temperature. Although metabolic rate was lower in the ambient temperature treatment (-0.3 compared to 2 deg C) and more energy was absorbed from food, there was no significant difference in the scope for growth between treatments. S. neumayeri can acclimate to predicted near future OA and is resilient to predicted temperature conditions.

  • Incidences of Antarctic Fur Seals entangled in man-made debris have been recorded at Bird Island since 1988. The majority of entanglements have been Antarctic Fur Seals caught in plastic packaging bands, synthetic line and fishing nets. Where possible these are removed by scientists working at the research base. This data is collected as part of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources''s Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP).

  • This dataset pertains to Adelie penguin breeding success at selected colonies on Signy island from 1978 to 2020. It comprises annual ground counts of occupied and incubating nests, eggs (proxy for breeding pairs), chicks hatched, and chicks expected to fledge. The GPS locations for surveyed sites are also included. From the 1996-1997 season onwards, this dataset conforms to CCAMLR data collection standards and contributes to the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP). Ecosystems component of BAS Polar Science for Planet Earth Programme, funded by NERC.

  • This dataset captures annual measurements of body mass for Adelie penguin chicks at Signy Island, from 1997 until 2020. Between 50 and 100 chicks are measured on beaches immediately prior to their departure, with 3-5 weighing sessions carried out annually per species in the period before fledging is complete. This monitoring contributes to the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP) and is part of the annual seabird Long Term Monitoring Science carried out by the British Antarctic Survey at Signy Island. This work was funded by Natural Environment Research Council (UK) core funding to the British Antarctic Survey.

  • This dataset pertains to chinstrap penguin breeding success at selected colonies on Signy island from 1978 to 2020. It comprises annual ground counts of occupied and incubating nests, eggs (proxy for breeding pairs), chicks hatched, and chicks expected to fledge. The GPS locations for surveyed sites are also included. From the 1996-1997 season onwards, this dataset conforms to CCAMLR data collection standards and contributes to the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP). Ecosystems component of BAS Polar Science for Planet Earth Programme, funded by NERC.

  • This datasets captures the annual measurements of body mass for chinstrap penguin chicks at Signy Island, from 1997 to 2020. Between 50 to 100 chicks are measured, with 3-5 weighing sessions carried out in the period before fledging is complete. This monitoring contributes to the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP) and is part of annual monitoring carried out by the British Antarctic Survey. This work was funded by Natural Environment Research Council (UK) core funding to the British Antarctic Survey.

  • This dataset pertains to gentoo penguin breeding success at selected colonies on Signy island from 1978 to 2020. It comprises annual ground counts of occupied and incubating nests, eggs (proxy for breeding pairs), chicks hatched, and chicks expected to fledge. The GPS locations for surveyed sites are also included. From the 1996-1997 season onwards, this dataset conforms to CCAMLR data collection standards and contributes to the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP). Ecosystems component of BAS Polar Science for Planet Earth Programme, funded by NERC.

  • This datasets captures the body mass, bill length and bill depth of adult chinstrap penguins immediately after their arrival to Signy Island at the start of the annual breeding from 1996 to 2020. Penguins arriving at the beach were measured for bill length, depth, and body mass before being released where they were captured. These measurements were made in mid/late November, as chinstrap penguins arrive for the austral summer. This monitoring contributes to the CCAMLR (Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources) Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP) and is part of the annual seabird Long Term Monitoring carried out by the British Antarctic Survey at Signy Island. Ecosystems component of BAS Polar Science for Planet Earth Programme, funded by NERC.

  • This dataset contains penguin survey data and imagery from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) across the South Sandwich Islands, from December 2019 to February 2020. It comprises orthotiff images (orthotiffs) and digital elevation models (DEMS) of surveyed sites, geographic penguin colony outlines, nest coordinates for individual species, mixed species'' sub-colonies and groups where species-level identification was not possible. Finally, it also includes the total count for these different categories for each individual site, alongside an estimate of the nests that were not counted due to distortion in certain parts of the orthotiffs. The orthotiff images and DEMS were produced using Structure-from-motion (SfM), a three-dimensional (3D) rendering technology, and were then loaded into QGIS to manually extract nest coordinates for chinstrap, adelie, gentoo and macaroni penguins. Where counting nests was not possible, the estimate of possible nests present was calculated using regions of the site where a count was carried out. This dataset was collected by researchers at the Polar Ecology and Conservation Group at the University of Oxford with the aim that surveying these sites and updating current population assessments over the South Sandwich Islands will aide conservation policy and advance monitoring technology and capability. The South Sandwich Islands expedition was supported by the Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, and funded by the John Ellerman Foundation and donations from passengers on Quark Expeditions'' ships.

  • This dataset comprises data on the water content of various terrestrial invertebrates on Signy Island, from 1984 to 1996. Species include native mites (Gamasellus racovitzai, Halozetes belgicae, Alaskozetes antarcticus, Stereotydeus villosus), springtails (Archisotoma brucei, Parisotoma (now Folsomotoma) octooculata, Cryptopygus antarcticus) and the non-native midge (Eretmoptera murphyi). Live samples were collected monthly at Bernsten Point, Elephant Flats, Gourlay Peninsula and Factory Bluff over both the summer and winter season. This data were collected as part of a long-term monitoring programme on terrestrial habitats in the maritime Antarctic. This dataset was supported with NERC core funding to BAS.