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  • The National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO) Long Term Science Single Centre (LTSS) Global Ocean Lagrangian Trajectories (OLTraj) provides 30-day forward and backward Lagrangian trajectories based on surface velocities from an ocean reanalysis. Each trajectory represents the path that a water mass would move along starting at a given pixel and a given day. OLTraj can be thus used to implement analyses of oceanic data in a Lagrangian framework. The purpose of OLTraj is to allow non-specialists to conduct Lagrangian analyses of surface ocean data. The dataset has global coverage and spans 1998-2018 with a daily temporal resolution. The trajectories were generated starting from zonal and meridional model velocity fields that were integrated using the LAMTA package (6-hour time step) as described in Nencioli et al., 2018. Please see the documentation section below for further information.

  • The Gridded daily Agricultural Burning Emission Inventory of Eastern China dataset contains a unique high Spatio-temporal resolution agricultural burning inventory for eastern China for the years 2012-2015. The data was generated using twice daily fire radiative power (FRP) observations from the ‘small fire optimised’ VIIRS-IM FRP product, and combined with fire diurnal cycle information taken from the geostationary Himawari-8 satellite. This dataset was designed to fully take into account small fires well below the MODIS burned area or active fire detection limit, focusing on dry matter burned (DMB) and emissions of CO2, CO, PM2.5 and black carbon. The fuel for these fires is waste straw and other agricultural residues. Information from a crop rotation map to classify the type of agricultural residue being burned at each observed location and time, in addition to an agricultural area land map was also incorporated in consideration of this.