Ministry of Health, Nairobi, Kenya
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These data include results from serological analysis carried out on serum collected from randomly recruited subjects, merged with household and subject level data about the subjects. The subject and household data collected included occupation of the household head, size of the household, and occupation, gender and age of the subject. Samples were collected from 303 people based in irrigated areas, 728 people from pastoral areas and 81 people from riverine areas along River Tana in Tana River and Garissa counties, Kenya. Field surveys were implemented in December 2013 to February 2014 and laboratory analyses were completed in June 2015. Serum samples were harvested from blood samples obtained from randomly recruited subjects and screened for anti-RVF virus immunoglobulin G using inhibition ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) immunoassay. The household and subject metadata was collected using Open Data Kit (ODK) ( loaded into smart phones. The aim of the project was to determine the risk of Rift Valley Fever virus exposure in people living in areas with different land use and socio-ecological settings. The data were collected by experienced researchers from the International Livestock Research Institute (Kenya), the Department of Disease Surveillance and Response, Kenyatta National Hospital This dataset is part of a wider research project, the Dynamic Drivers of Disease in Africa Consortium (DDDAC). The research was funded by NERC project no NE/J001570/1 with support from the Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation Programme (ESPA). Additional funding was provided by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Research Program Agriculture for Nutrition and Health. Full details about this dataset can be found at