Inholland University of Applied Sciences
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We determined the soil hydrological characteristics for 51 sites located in three regions in the Corridor Ankeniheny-Zahamena (CAZ) in Madagascar. The sites differed in terms of land use and land history: closed canopy forests, reforestation sites, tree fallows, shrub fallows, degraded grassland sites and eucalyptus plantations. Full details about this dataset can be found at
The data comprise hydrometric data and stable isotope data for streamflow and rainfall from the Marolaona catchment in the Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor on the Eastern escarpment of Madagascar between February 2015 and March 2016. Rainfall and streamflow were measured at 2 locations, perched water tables at 10 locations, and soil moisture at 3 locations (1 – 3 depths). Samples were taken from streamflow and rainfall for stable isotope (delta-2H and delta-18O) analyses. Full details about this dataset can be found at
Hydrological and meteorological data were collected for three plots (each 50 x 50 m in size) near Andasibe village in the Corridor Ankeniheny-Zahamena (CAZ) in eastern Madagascar. The plots differ in terms of land cover: semi-mature forest, reforested tree fallow (i.e., young secondary forest), and degraded grassland. The plots are located within 2.5 km from each other. See the supporting documentation for detailed information on the plots. Data collection continued for one year (October 2014-September 2015) at each plot and included micrometeorological data (rainfall, temperature, relative humidity, wind speed), soil moisture and overland flow, and for the two forested plots also throughfall, stemflow and sapflow. Full details about this dataset can be found at