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  • Radiation belts are hazardous regions found around several of the planets in our Solar System. They consist of very hot, electrically charged particles that are trapped in the magnetic field of the planet. At Saturn the most important way to heat these particles has for many years been thought to involve the particles drifting closer towards the planet. This paper builds on previous work on the emerging idea at Saturn that a different way to heat the particles is also possible where the heating is done by waves, in a similar way to what we find at the Earth. This work is reported in the paper "Acceleration of electrons by whistler-mode hiss waves at Saturn" by E.E. Woodfield et al., 2021. The data provided here enable reconstruction of all the figures in the paper. E.E.W., R.B.H., and S.A.G. were funded by STFC grant ST/S000496/1. R.B.H., S.A.G. and A.J.K. were funded by NERC grant NE/R016038/1 and R.B.H. and S.A.G. by NERC grant NE/R016445/1. J.D.M. and Y.Y.S. were supported by NASA grants NNX11AM36G and NNX16AI47G. University of Iowa (J.D.M.) was supported by NASA contract 1415150 with JPL. Y.Y.S. was supported by EC grant H2020 637302.

  • This dataset comprises the output from a series of eight simulations with the Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere (CMIT) model as used in the study by Cnossen and Foerster (2016).The first six simulations were run with observed solar radiative forcing, specified by F10.7 values, and observed solar wind conditions. In the last two simulations (dsol-lh and jsol-lh), the solar radiative forcing was artificially reduced by setting the F10.7 values to a constant low value of 80 solar flux units. The dsol-lh and jsol-lh are otherwise identical to the dsol-hh and jsol-mh simulations, respectively. Further details about the simulations and a brief description of the CMIT model are provided by Cnossen and Foerster (2015, in review). Wiltberger et al. (2004) and Wang et al. (2004, 2008) provide further details of the CMIT model. The CMIT simulations were performed on the Yellowstone high-performance computing facility (ark:/85065/d7wd3xhc) provided by the Computational and Information Systems Laboratory of the National Centre for Atmospheric Research, sponsored by the National Science Foundation.

  • This dataset contains the data produced by four Gorgon Global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of Fast-Forward Interplanetary Shocks of increasing strengths interacting with the Earth''s magnetosphere, as described in the study of Desai et al. (2021). Further description of the Gorgon MHD model can be found at Mejnertsen et al., (2016,2018) and Eggington et al., (2020). The data was produced on the Imperial College High Performance Computing Service (doi: 10.14469/hpc/2232). The MHD equations were solved in the magnetosphere on a regular 3-D cartesian grid of resolution 0.5 Earth radii (RE), covering a domain of dimensions (-20,100) RE in X, (-40,40) RE in Y and (-40,40) RE in Z with an inner boundary at 3 RE. In this coordinate system the Sun lies in the negative X-direction, the Z axis is aligned to the dipole in the 0 degree tilt case (where positive tilt points the north magnetic pole towards the Sun), and Y completes the right-handed set. Output data is timestamped in seconds and is defined at the centre of the grid cells. The simulation data corresponding to each shock are stored in separate directories ''ShockX'' where X=I-IV. The data are stored in hdf5 format. The magnetospheric variables are stored in the files: ''Gorgon_[YYYYMMDD]_MS_params_[XXXXX]s.hdf5'' where XXXXX is the simulation time in seconds. The magnetospheric data includes the magnetic field, (''Bvec_c''), velocity, (''vvec''), plasma density, (''rho1''), and ion temperature, (''Ti''), after 2h of simulation, over the course of 10 minutes. The data for the magnetic field, (''Bvec_c''), and velocity, (''vvec''), are of shape (240,160,160,3) where the first 3 dimensions are the grid indices in (X,Y,Z) indexed from negative to positive, and the final dimension is the cartesian vector component in (i,j,k). The data for the density, (''rho1''), and ion temperature, (''Ti''), is of shape (240,160,160) where the first 3 dimensions are the grid indices in (X,Y,Z) indexed from negative to positive. Funding was provided by NERC Highlight grant to NE/P017347/1 (Rad-Sat)

  • This dataset contains data produced by two Gorgon Global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations with steady solar wind conditions interacting with the Earth''s magnetosphere, as utilised in the study of Desai et al. (2021b). Further description of the Gorgon MHD model can be found at Mejnertsen et al., (2016,2018), Eggington et al., (2020) and Desai et al., (2021a). The data was produced on the Imperial College High Performance Computing Service (doi: 10.14469/hpc/2232). Two MHD simulations are contained; one with northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) conditions and one with southward (IMF) conditions. The northward IMF condition is run with a grid resolution of 0.25 earth radii (RE) and the southward IMF conditions is run three times for grid resolutions of 0.5, 0.25 and 0.125 RE. The MHD equations were solved in the magnetosphere on a regular 3-D Cartesian grid, covering a domain of dimensions (-20,100) RE in X, (-40,40) RE in Y and (-40,40) RE in Z with an inner boundary at 3 RE. In this coordinate system the Sun lies in the negative X-direction, the Z axis is aligned to the dipole in the 0 degree tilt case (where positive tilt points the north magnetic pole towards the Sun), and Y completes the right-handed set. Output data is timestamped in seconds and is defined at the centre of the grid cells. The simulation data corresponding to each shock are stored in separate directories ''NorthwardX'' and ''SouthwardX'' where X is the grid resolution in RE of: 0.5 for the northward case and 0.5, 0.25 and 0.125 for the southward case. The data are stored in hdf5 format. The magnetospheric variables are stored in the files: ''Gorgon_[YYYYMMDD]_MS_params_[XXXXX]s.hdf5'' where XXXXX is the simulation time in seconds. The magnetospheric data includes the magnetic field, (''Bvec_c'') and Electric field, (''Evec''), after 2hrs of simulation. The data are of shape (240,160,160,3) where the first 3 dimensions are the grid indices in (X,Y,Z) indexed from negative to positive, and the final dimension is the cartesian vector component in (i,j,k). Funding was provided by NERC Highlight grant to NE/P017347/1 (Rad-Sat).

  • Radiation belts are hazardous regions found around several of the planets in our Solar System. They consist of very hot, electrically charged particles that are trapped in the magnetic field of the planet. At Saturn the most important way to heat these particles has for many years been thought to involve the particles drifting closer towards the planet. This paper adds to the emerging idea at Saturn that a different way to heat the particles is also possible where the heating is done by waves, in a similar way to what we find at the Earth. This work is reported in the paper "Rapid electron acceleration in low density regions of Saturn''s radiation belt by whistler mode chorus waves" by E.E. Woodfield et al., 2019. The data provided here enable reconstruction of all the figures in the paper. The research leading to these results has received funding from: Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), UK, grants NE/R016038/1 and NE/R016445/1 Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), UK, grants ST/I001727/1 and ST/M00130X/1. NASA grants NNX11AM36G and NNX16AI47G. The research at the University of Iowa was supported by NASA through Contract 1415150 with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. European Council (EC) grant H2020 637302.