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  • This dataset provides a geopackage of the predicted subglacial water flow pathways beneath Whillans Ice Plain, West Antarctica, the contributory Whillans Ice Stream and neighbouring Kamb and Mercer Ice Streams. Flow paths were estimated based on hydropotential gradients using static grids of ice-surface elevation from the REMA mosaic (Howat and others, 2019) and ice thickness from Bedmachine Antarctica version 3 (Morlighem and others, 2020; 2022) from which bed elevation is inferred. Wilson Sauthoff (dataset creator) was funded by NASA award 80NSSC21K0912. Bryony I. D. Freer (project lead) was supported by Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Satellite Data in Environmental Science (SENSE) Centre for Doctoral Training (grant no. NE/T00939X/1).