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  • This data set comprises of hourly water quality monitoring and flow data of a site within the River Loddon catchment, UK, from September 2017 to September 2018. Parameters measured were temperature, conductivity, pH, ammonium, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, UV-Vis spectral scan from 197-720nm. Daily samples were also taken at 9am GMT and occasional storm samples were taken hourly and then analysed in the laboratory for pH, conductivity, turbidity, total suspended solids, non-purgeable organic carbon, UV-Vis spectral scan from 200-800nm and 12 pesticide concentrations: 2-4-D, Bentazone, Carbendazim, Carbetamide, Chlorotoluron, Clopyralid, MCPA, Mecoprop, Metaldehyde, Propyzamide, Quinmerac and Metazachlor. This data was created as part of the TWENTY65 project, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Grant number: EP/N010124/1) and with some additional funding from Affinity Water and Syngenta. Full details about this dataset can be found at