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  • Ice sheet model runs based on the Glimmer thermo-mechanical ice sheet model. Glacial modelling was used to simulate former WAIS (West Antarctic Ice Sheet) dynamics (specifically grounding line and ice volume changes) in the Weddell Sea embayment, constrained by newly acquired field data (see related datasets).

  • 200+ erratic and bedrock samples were collected for cosmogenic isotope analysis, as well as several depth profiles of tills. Samples were collected from 11 sites along a 350km transect stretching from Pirrit Hills in the south to the ridge between Mt Bentley and Mt Hubley in the north. Most sites were on the western (West Antarctic Ice Sheet) side of the range but includes Flowers Hills on the east side of the range, adjacent to the Rutford Ice Stream. Throughout, the emphasis was on taking samples to allow dating of any changes in ice altitude/extent.

  • Powders, solutions and residues related to erratic and bedrock samples collected in the Ellsworth Mountains during the 2005-2006 field season. For each of the rock samples analysed in the lab, a (variable) number of laboratory stages are created, including sawing and crushing residues, pure quartz separates, chemical solutions, and AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry) targets.