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  • The datasets are temperature time series from thermistor strings installed into two boreholes drilled to a depth of ~7 m in the northern sector of Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Supporting borehole information is presented by Ashmore and others (2017). These data are part of the NERC-funded MIDAS (''Impact of surface melt and ponding on ice shelf dynamics and stability'') research project, with grant references NE/L006707/1 and NE/L005409/1. Associated (longer) borehole temperature records, OPTV logs and density records are also available, as are other MIDAS datasets.

  • The datasets are temperature time series from strings of thermistors, each located at a discrete depth within one of six boreholes drilled to a depth of ~100 m in the northern sector of Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Supporting borehole information is presented by Ashmore and others (2017). These data are part of the NERC-funded MIDAS (''Impact of surface melt and ponding on ice shelf dynamics and stability'') research project, with grant references NE/L006707/1 and NE/L005409/1. Associated (near-surface) borehole temperature records, OPTV logs and density records are also available, as are other MIDAS datasets.