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  • The ACES (Aerosol Coupling in the Earth System) project was an integrated research programme that aims to reduce uncertainties in our fundamental understanding of the formation of BSOA (Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol) and the subsequent impact on atmospheric composition, through coordinated chamber studies, field studies, process model development, and application of atmospheric models of chemistry and transport to assess coupling and feedbacks in the Earth system. This dataset contains measurements of concentration of different sized particles, measured from ground level up to 32 metres. Data were collected for the period 13 April to 23 July 2008 by the University of Manchester GRIMM optical particle counter based at the forest in-canopy site located at the FACE (Forests Absorbing CO2 Emissions) nursery at the Sabahmas Estate oil plantation in Malaysia. Measurements were made at fixed heights of ground level, 8 metres, 16 metres, and 32 metres. Measurements were also taken whilst the instrument was mounted on a winch which had a height range of 1 metre to 28 metres.

  • The ACES (Aerosol Coupling in the Earth System) project was an integrated research programme that aims to reduce uncertainties in our fundamental understanding of the formation of BSOA (Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol) and the subsequent impact on atmospheric composition, through coordinated chamber studies, field studies, process model development, and application of atmospheric models of chemistry and transport to assess coupling and feedbacks in the Earth system. The dataset contains measurements of concentrations of aerosols between 50nm and 2nm, using a TSI Condesation Particle Counter model 3025A, near ground level below the rainforest canopy at the nursery site. These data were collected from the 9th to 23rd of July 2008 by the University of Manchester condensation particle counter based at the forest in-canopy site located at the FACE (Forests Absorbing CO2 Emissions) nursery at the Sabahmas Estate oil plantation in Malaysia.