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  • Gridded model estimates of nitrate-N stored in the vadose (unsaturated) zone. This dataset presents annual gridded estimates of nitrate stored in the vadose zone for 1900 - 2000 on a 0.5 degree grid (units: kg N/grid cell). Data are supplied as a single netCDF for all years. This data was derived by Ascott et al. (2017). Global models of depth to groundwater table, subsurface porosity and groundwater recharge were used to derive estimates of nitrate travel time in the vadose zone. The travel time was combined with annual estimates of nitrate leaching from the base of the soil zone for 1900 - 2000 to estimate total nitrate stored in the vadose zone. For full details of the dataset derivation, please refer to Ascott et al. (2017). Ascott, M.J., Gooddy, D.C., Wang, L., Stuart, M.E., Lewis, M.A., Ward, R.S. and Binley, A.M. (2017) Global patterns of nitrate storage in the vadose zone. Nature Communications 8(1), 1416.

  • This data set contains a record of nitrate concentrations and isotopic composition present within the drip waters and speleothem carbonate deposits of Cueva-cubío del Llanío, northern Spain. Data were collected between 2018 to 2020, and specifically address the nitrate composition of the cave drip waters, pool waters, rocks, soil, vegetation and contemporary speleothem carbonate. Calculations are also undertaken to assess the partitioning of nitrate between cave drip water and speleothem carbonate deposits. Data pertaining to speleothem nitrate content also extend to other cave locations (Pooles cavern, UK; Brown's Folly Mine, UK, Ease Gill Caverns, UK; Rukiesa cave, Ethiopia; Cueva Perlas, N. Spain). Sample analysis was performed at Lancaster University and the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology under NERC facility access grant LSMSF\CEH\L\125\11\2018. The data presented represent the full underlying dataset to Wynn et al., 2021, Chemical Geology:

  • Dual stable isotope analysis comprising nitrogen-15 and oxygen-18 ratios for groundwater samples collected every 2-3 months over one hydrogeological year from the East Riding of Yorkshire. Isotopic ratios for nitrogen-15, oxygen-18 are both presented as raw and processed to NAIR and VSMOW, respectively. The data are in the form of a Microsoft Excel workbook containing Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer runs. The data were collected to understand key sources of nitrate contamination in Chalk groundwater and the dominant processes they undergo, and the extent of any attenuation. The Chalk catchments and the River Terrace Gravel catchment were compared, allowing conclusions to be drawn on the role of nitrate transformation, and the dominant location of transformations, to increase understanding of nitrate dynamics in agricultural systems. Groundwater samples were collected by the University of Leeds, the Environment Agency, Yorkshire Water and South East Water. Nitrate isolation and data interpretation carried out by Josephine McSherry, supervised by L. Jared West and Simon Bottrell. Mass spectrometry was carried out by Rob Newton and Bob Jamieson at the University of Leeds. No isotopic data are absent from the dataset, however oxygen contamination (resulting from the isolation method and since resolved) severely affected run O34b-O. Hydrochemical data relevant to the groundwater samples are not included as they are the property of the Environment Agency, Yorkshire Water or South East Water.