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  • This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location, with basic metadata, of selected DECC (Department of Energy & Climate Change) offshore hydrocarbon wells. The source data for this layer was downloaded from the DECC website at These are DECC owned data and information and supply of the actual data is through the DECC release agents.

  • Data from the British Geological Survey's GeoIndex Boreholes theme are made available for viewing here. GeoIndex is a website that allows users to search for information about BGS data collections covering the UK and other areas world wide. Access is free, the interface is easy to use, and it has been developed to enable users to check coverage of different types of data and find out some background information about the data. More detailed information can be obtained by further enquiry via the web site:

  • This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of hydrocarbon wells known to BGS. Exploration for hydrocarbons by drilling began in the 19th century and locations were recorded in latitude/longitude until about 1960. These locations have been converted to national grid. The majority of the wells have formed part of basin studies by BGS and are therefore reliably located. There may be some discrepancies in location data between various databases, originating from project modifications and which original source was preferred.

  • Data from onshore wells provided to BGS as part of an agreement with NSTA/OGA/DECC Digital data (includes, well logs, well reports and downhole data) for oil and gas exploration and appraisal wells drilled in the UK and held on behalf of the North Sea Transitory Authority (formerly the Oil & Gas Authority, formerly the Department of Energy and Climate Change). External data therefore BGS has no control on quality. Provided to OGA/DECC/BGS by oil companies as part of their obligations under licensing regulations, PON 9b regulations notice.